Construction of the national hero mythologem in lifetime portraits of George Washington


  • Nikita S. Agranovksii Saint Petersburg State University


The end of the XVIII century is marked for the Americans not only with establishment of independence of the country, but also with formation of a single national identity. Contradictions which had been hampering this process had in many ways been overcome due to a special phenomenon — the myth of George Washington as an identifying hero. This work is an attempt to describe the complex way in which the myth of “the Father of the Nation” came into being by studying GW’s lifetime portraits. During the whole period of its evolution this process was marked with a constant clash between “ideal” and “real”, which took shape in two major pictorial strategies — a reductionist image of an ageless warrior and that of a statesman sacrificing himself for the good of his country. Each of these strategies had its own set of characteristics which depict the concept of the national symbol. Portraiture as a source of information enables to mark out main features which formed the basis of the mythologem, and to determine mechanisms of its functioning and its role in the creation of American identity.


George Washington, portraiture of the XVIII century, heroic myth, American art, national identity


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Author Biography

Nikita S. Agranovksii, Saint Petersburg State University

Master of the Art-critics of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences



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15. Ellis J. J. Seine Exzellenz George Washington. München: C. H. Beck, 2005. 386 S.

16. Richardson E. A Penetrating Characterization of Washington by John Trumbull, Winterthur Portfolio. 1967. Vol. 3. P. 1–23.

17. Portraiture of Washington: Being an Appendix to the Custis’ Recollections and Private Memoirs, Etc., The Crayon. 1855. Vol. 2. No. 25. P. 388–389.

18. Sellers Ch. C. Charles Willson Peale’s Portraits of Washington, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 1951. Vol. 9. No. 6. P. 147–155.

19. Brooks Ch. Charles Willson Peale: Painting and Natural History in Eighteenth-Century North America, Oxford Art Journal. 1982. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 31–39.

20. Larkin O. Art and Life in America. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. 557 p.

21. Bickham T. O. Sympathizing with Sedition? George Washington, the British Press, and British Attitudes during the American War of Independence, The William and Mary Quarterly. 2002. Vol. 59, No. 1. P. 101–122.

22. Charles Peale Polk: George Washington, Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. URL: (accessed: 28.11.2013).

23. Jacobs P. L. John James Barralet and the Apotheosis of George Washington, Winterthur Portfolio. 1977. Vol. 12. P. 115–137.

24. The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651–1827. URL: (accessed: 28.11.2013).

25. Wainwright N. The Powel Portrait of Washington by Joseph Wright, The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. 1972. Vol. 96, No. 4. P. 419–423.

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28. Müller M. Politische Bildstrategien im amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahlkampf. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997. 443 S.

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30. Meschutt D. Life Portraits of George Washington, George Washington: American Symbol. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1999. P. 25–39.

31. Hoxie R. G. Considerations on President’s Day, Presidential Studies Quarterly. 1991. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 431–432.

32. McClafferty C. The Many Faces of George Washington: Remaking The Presidential Icon. Mineapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 2011. 120 p.

33. Lingren J. M. Pater Patriae: George Washington as Symbol and Artifact, American Quarterly. 1989. Vol. 41. No. 4. P. 705–713.

34. Schulz C. Exhibiting George Washington, The Public Historian. 2000. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 109–115.

35. Peale R. Reminiscences. Adolph Ulric Wertmuller, The Crayon. 1855. Vol. 2. No. 14. P. 207.

36. Isham S. The Gibbs-Channing-Avery Portrait of Washington, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 1907. Vol. 2, No. 7. P. 118–121.

37. Istoriia zarubezhnogo iskusstva, pod red. M. T. Kuz'minoi, N. L. Mal'tsevoi. M.: Iskusstvo, 1971. 360 s.

38. Rasmussen M. W. St., Tilton R. George Washington — the Man Behind the Myths. New York: University Press of Virginia, 1999. 328 p.

39. Andronnikova M. I. Ob iskusstve portreta. M.: Iskusstvo, 1975. 326 p.

40. The Revolution Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence, Ed. by Dann J. C. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. 446 p.



How to Cite

Agranovksii, N. S. (2014). Construction of the national hero mythologem in lifetime portraits of George Washington. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(2), 53–71. Retrieved from



Visual arts