Итальянская темповая терминология в исполнительской практике Великобритании и США эпохи барокко, рококо и классицизма


  • Алексей Анатольевич Панов Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4053-4512
  • Иван Васильевич Розанов Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; Санкт-Петербургская государственная консерватория им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6768-6831


В статье обсуждается одна из важнейших и не изучавшихся ранее в комплексе российскими исследователями проблем — влияние предписанной композитором итальянской терминологии на темп и аффект в интерпретации. Работа основана на многочисленных исторических документах и материалах, значительная часть которых не рассматривалась ранее отечественными и зарубежными учеными.

Ключевые слова:

темп, французская музыка, итальянская темповая терминология, музыкальные трактаты, исполнительская практика


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Биографии авторов

Алексей Анатольевич Панов, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

доктор искусствоведения, профессор, заведующий кафедрой органа, клавесина и карильона, заместитель декана по научной работе факультета искусств, член правления российского национального Общества теории музыки

Иван Васильевич Розанов, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; Санкт-Петербургская государственная консерватория им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова

доктор искусствоведения, профессор кафедры органа, клавесина и карильона факультета искусств Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, профессор кафедры органа и клавесина Санкт-Петербургской государственной консерватории им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, заслуженный работник высшей школы РФ

Библиографические ссылки

Источники и литература

1. Malcolm A. A Treatise of Musick, Speculative, Practical and Historical. Edinburgh: the Author, 1721.

2. Chambers E. Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; containing The Definitions of the Terms; And Accounts of The Things signify’d thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine… in 2 Vols. London: Printed for James and John Knapton, John Darby, Daniel Midwinter, [a. o.], 1728.

3. Prelleur P. A Dictionary Explaining Such Greek, Latin, Italian & French Words as generally occur in Musick. The Modern Musick-Master or, the Universal Musician… London: [for the Author], [1730].

4. Bailey N. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary… The Fifth Edition, with considerable Improvements. London: J. and J. Knapton: D. Midwinter and A. Ward: A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch: F. Fayram: J. Osborn and T. Longman: J. Pemberton: C. Rivington: F. Clay: J. Batley and R. Hett, 1731.

5. Grassineau J. A Musical Dictionary; being a Collection of Terms and Characters, As well Ancient as Modern; including the Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Parts of Music… London: John Wilcox, 1740.

6. Tans’ur W. A new musical grammar: or, the harmonical spectator… London: Jacob Robinson, 1746.

7. Anonyme. The Compleat Tutor For the Flute… London: R. Bremner, [1750].

8. Dyche Th., Pardon W. A New General English Dictionary; Peculiarly calculated for the Use and Improvement Of such as are unacquainted with the Learned Languages. Wherein the difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in… Musick… The Eleventh Edition… London: Catherine and Richard Ware, 1760.

9. A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences… By a Society of Gentlemen. Second Edition. 4 vols. London: W. Owen, 1763–1764.

10. Bellamy D. A New, Complete, and Universal English Dictionary; for the Use and Improvement Of all those who have not had the Benefit of a learned Education. Wherein Difficult Words and Technical Terms, in all Faculties and Professions, whether in… Music… The Fourth Edition, Corrected and Improved, with Additions. London: J. Fuller, 1764.

11. Croker T. H. The Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences… Among the various Branches of Literature explained in this Work are the following, viz. … Music… 2 vols. London: the Authors, 1764–1765.

12. Hoyle J. Dictionarium MUSICA, being a COMPLETE DICTIONARY: or, Treasury of Music. Containing a full Explanation of all the Words and Terms made use of in Music, both Speculative, Practical and Historical. All the Words and Terms, made use of by the Italians, are also inserted. The whole Compiled from the best Ancient and Modern Authors who have wrote on the Subject. London: Printed for the Author, 1770.

13. Falkener R. INSTRUCTIONS for playing the HARPSICHORD. Wherein is fully explained the Mystery of THOROUGH BASS, with Divers other Material Things hitherto kept a Profound Secret. By the MUSICAL SOCIETY. To which is added, Exact Rules for TUNING the Harpsichord; with all the different-sized WIRES used in that Instrument. London: the author, 1770.

14. Holden J. An Essay Towards A Rational System of Music. Glasgow: Robert Urie, 1770.

15. Anonym. The Compleat Tutor FOR THE HAUTBOY Containing the easiest & most improv’d Rules for Learners to play To which is added A favourite collection of Airs, Marches, Minuets, Duets, &c. … London: J. Al. P. Thompson, [ca. 1770].

16. Burney Ch. The Present State of Music in France and Italy: or, The Journal of a Tour through those Countries, undertaken to collect Materials for A General History of Music. The Second Edition, Corrected. London: T. Becket and Co., J. Robson, and G. Robinson, 1773.

17. Avison Ch. An Essay On Musical Expression… The Third Edition. London: Lockyer Davis, 1775.

18. Tosi P. F. Observations on the Florid Song; or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers, Written in Italian… / transl. into English by Nr. Galliard, Useful for all Performers, Instrumental as well as Vocal. To which are added Explanatory Annotations, and Examples in Musick. London: J. Wilcox, 1743.

19. Steele J. An essay towards establishing the melody and measure of speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols. London: W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1775.

20. Ash J. The new and Complete Dictionary of the English Language… in 2 vols. London: Edward and Charles Dilly, R. Baldwin, 1775.

21. Anonym. Playing the Harpsichord, Spinnet or Piano Forte, made easy by NEW INSTRUSTIONS wherein the Italian manner of Fingering is shewn by variety of Examples, with choice Lessons selected from the most Eminent Masters, proper for Beginners, and very useful for proficients on those Instruments or the ORGAN with concise Rules for playing a good Thoro’ Bass. … [With a] Dictionary explaining such words as generally occur in Music. London: Longman and Broderip, [ca. 1785].

22. Jefferson Th. Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Late President of United States. London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1829. Vol. 1.

23. Geminiani F. New and Compleat Instructions For The Violin, Containing the Easiest and best Methods for Learners to Obtain A Proficiency, with some useful Direstions, Lessons, Graces, &c. London: Longman and Broderip, [ca. 1790].

24. Callcott J. W. An Explanation of the Notes, Marks, Words, & c, Used in Music… London: the Author, 1792.

25. Wragg J. THE OBOE PRECEPTOR; or the Art of Playing the OBOE, Rendered perfectly easy to every Capacity, in which every Instruction relative to that Instrument is progressively arranged; the different modes of FINGERING fully exemplified, & the whole systematically laid down in so plain and easy a Manner, as to require No ASSISTANCE from a MASTER. London: the Author, 1792.

26. Barclay J. (curate of Edmonton), Shorton W. A Complete and Universal English Dictionary: including not only A Full Explanation if Difficult Words and Technical Terms in all Faculties and Professions whether in… Music… A New Edition corrected and improved. London: J. F. and C. Rivington, 1792.

27. Fenning D. The Royal English Dictionary: or, a Treasury of the English Language. Containing, A Full Explanation of all the Terms made Use in… Music… The Second Edition Improved. London: R. Baldwin, 1763.

28. Kollmann A. F. C. The first Beginning on the Piano Forte, according to an Improved Method of teaching Beginners, Containing an explanatory Introduction, The Rudiments of the Art of playing on Key’d Instruments, & a series of progressive Lessons and Sonatinas. The whole being consrtucted so that any Person of common capacity who never touched an Instrument or knew a Note before, may in the very 1.st Lesson learn to play something by Notes; & calculated for the use of Grown Persons as well as of Children who can reach more than a 6th. on the Instrument. London: the author, [ca. 1796].

29. Kollmann A. F. C. An essay on musical harmony, according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors. London: J. Dale, 1796.

30. Prætorius M. SYNTAGMATIS MuSICI … Tomus TERTIuS. Wolffenbüttel: Elias Holwein, 1619.

31. Dom Bedos de Celles F. L’Art Du Facteur D’Orgues. Paris: L. F. Delatour, 1766–1778.

32. Hüllmandel N. J. PRINCIPLES of Music, chiefly calculated for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord. With Progressive Lessons. London: R. Birchall, [ca. 1796].

33. Olinthus G. Lessons Astronomical and Philosophical for the Amusement and Instruction of British Youth: being an Attempt to explain and account for the most usual Appearances in Nature, in a familiar Manner from established Principles. Cambridge: Robinson, 1796.

34. The Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature; Extended and Improved. By A Society of Gentlemen. A New Arrangement / ed. by T. G. Smollett. London: A. Hamilton, 1797. Vol. 21.

35. The Monthly Magazine. Part II. For 1799. From July to December, Inclusive. Vol. VIII. London: R. Phillips, 1800.

36. Clementi M. …Introduction to the Art of playing on the Piano-Forte; Containing the Elements of Music… London: Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, [1801].

37. Comstock A. Comstock’s Elocution. [Enlarged.] A system of vocal gymnastics; designed for the promotion of health, cure of stammering, and defective articulation. … Edited and selected by Philip Lawrence… Philadelphia: by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, [1808].

38. The Monthly Magazine, or, British Register… / ed. by Sir R. Phillips. London: J. Adlard, 1809. Vol. XXVII. Part I. For 1809.

39. The philosophical magazine: comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, geology, agriculture, manufactures and commerce / ed. by A. Tilloch. London: Richard Taylor and Co., 1810. Vol. XXXVI.

40. Busby Th. A Complete Dictionary of Music… Third Edition, with additions and Improvements. London: Richard Phillips, 1811.

41. Pilkington H. W. A Musical Dictionary, comprising the etymology and different meanings of all the terms that most frequently occur in modern composition. Boston: Watson & Bangs, 1812.

42. Woakes W. H. A Catechism of Music; Being a Familiar and Easy Introduction to the Rudiments of that Science: Intended to assist the practice, and facilitate the progress of The Learner. Together with observations on thorough bass, and a copious dictionary of musical phrases. Hereford: Watkins and Wright, 1817.

43. Shaw O. Sacred melodies, selected from Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and others, with several original compositions, arranged with an accompaniment for the piano-forte or organ. Providence: Miller & Hutchens, 1818.

44. Keith R. W. A Violin Preceptor On an Entire New Principle Calculated to lay a regular & Stable foundation For Young Practitioners… London: J. Jaincev, J. Longman, [ca. 1820].

45. Pinnock W. A Catechism of Music; in which the first principles of that accomplished science are rendered easy to be understood… Eighth Edition. London: G and W. B. Whitetaker, 1822.

46. Coggins J. A Companion to the Musical Assistant; containing all that is truly useful to the theory and practice of the piano-forte… London: J. Power, 1824.

47. Danneley J. F. An Encyclopædia, or Dictionary of Music… London: Preston, 1825.

48. Hamilton W. A Hand-Book; or Concise Dictionary of Terms used in the Arts and Sciences. London: John Murray, 1825.

49. Jousse J. A Compendious Dictionary of Italian and Other Terms Used in Music; Illustrated by Numerous Examples: Written for the Use of Students. London: Clementy and Co., [1829].

50. Lieber F., Wigglesworth E., Bradford T. G. Encyclopædia Americana. Popular Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Politics and Biography, brought down to the present time… Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1832. Vol. XII.

51. Valentine Th. A dictionary of terms used in music. Third edition. London: S. Chappell, 1833.

52. Gould N. D. National church harmony, designed for public and private devotion… Boston: Lincoln, Edmands & CO., 1833.

53. Mason L. Manual of the Boston Academy of Music… Boston: Carter, Hendee & CO., 1834.

54. Porter W. S., Mason L. The Musical Cyclopedia: or the Principles of Music considered as a science and an art… Boston: James Loring, 1834.

55. Nathan I. Musurgia Vocalis, an essay on the history and theory of music, and on the qualities, capabilities, and management of the human voice. Second edition. London: Fentum, 1836.

56. Jousse J. A catechism of singing… London: D’Almaine, [1837].

57. Warner J. F. A Universal Dictionary of Musical Terms: Taken in Part from Dr. Weber’s Vocabulary of Italian Words and Phrases, but Chiefly Furnished from Other Sources, and Adapted to the Condition and Wants of this Country… Boston: J. H. Wilkins & R. B. Carter, 1841.

58. The Musical Reporter. Boston: Saxton & Peirce; New York: Daniel Fanshaw, 1841. Vol. I, January.

59. Orpheus; or Musical Anthology: a Collection of Elegant Papers, Original and Selected, on the Science and Literature of Music. Boston: Fitz and Hobbs, 1850.

60. Monk J. The Musician, or Self-Instructor, and Teacher’s Guide: Containing Explanations and Examples of the Rudiments of Music, on the Productive System. New-Yotk: F. J. Huntington; Boston: Jenks & Palmer; Albany: E. H. Pease; Troy: Elias Gates; Schenectady: S. S. Stevens, 1841.

61. Gardiner W. The music of nature; or, an attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speaking, and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world. Boston: J. H. Wilkins & R. B. Carter, 1841.

62. Hamilton J. A. An introduction to choral-singing; particularly as adapted to church psalmody, hymns, chanting, etc. London: D’Almaine and Co., [1841].

63. Hamilton J. A. A Dictionary of Two Thousand Italian, French, German, English, and other Musical Terms, with their Significations and Usual Abbreviations… New York: Edward J. Jaques, 1842.

64. Marshall W. The Art of Reading Church Music: founded on a simple explanation of the first principles of music, and designed with special reference to facilitating the practice of Choral Psalmody. Oxford: J. Vincent, 1842.

65. Mainzer J. Singing for the Million: a Practical Course of Musical Instruction… Ninth Edition; Carefully Revised. London: Depot for the Mainzerian Publications; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1842.

66. Mainzer J. A Treatise on Musical Grammar, and the Principles of Harmony. London: at the repository for Mainzer’s publications, 1843.

67. Wordsworth W. A. A Catechism of Music. London: Darton and Clark, [1843].

68. Hastings Th., Bradbury W. B. The psalmodist; a choise collection of psalm and hymn tunes, chiefly new; adapted to the very numerous metres now in use, together with chants, anthems, motets, and various other pieces; for the use of choirs, congregations, singing schools and musical associations; most of which are now for the first time presented to the American public. New York: Mark H. Newman, 1844.

69. Minutes of the committee of council on education… 1842–1843. London: William Clowes and sons, 1844.

70. Dawson Ch. The Elements of Music: Condensed, for the Use of Students of the Piano-Forte. London: C. Ollivier, 1844.

71. Anonym. The Musical Guide for Singing and the Piano-Forte… London: Cradock & Co., 1845.

72. Clarke J. A Catechism of the Rudiments of Music, Designed for the Assistance of Teachers of the Piano-Forte. From the Second London Edition, with Corrections and Additions. Baltimore: G. Willig, [1845].

73. Baker B. F. Baker’s American School Music Book… Boston: Otis, Broaders, & Company, 1845.

74. Panseron A.-M., Dorigo F., Concone G. The ABC of Music; or, Progressive Lessons in the Rudiments of Music and Solffegi… Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., [1846].

75. Vandenhoff G. The Art of Elocution: or, Logical and Musical Reading and Declamation… Third Edition. New-York: C. Shepard; Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co.; Cincinnati: H. W. Derby & Co.; Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1847.

76. Platt R. A New, Easy, and Correct System of Vocal Music… Being A Practical Manual of the Art of Singing at Sight. London: Aylott and Jones, 1847.

77. Polyglott Lexicon: Being A New Dictionary, In Four Languages: By A Society Of Learned Men: in 2 Vols. London: William Tegg, and Co., 1848. Vol. I.

78. Fontana B. The Musical Manual; Containing both the Theory and Practice of Instrumental and Vocal Music. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1849.

79. Burrowes J. F. The Piano-Forte Primer; Containing the Rudiments of Music. New York: William Hall & Son, 1850.

80. Taylor V. G. The Golden Lyre: a New Collection of Church Music, adapted to the various metres now in use; together with a new and extensive variety of anthems, sentences, and chants, for choirs, singing classes, musical associations, and social sacred music circles. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co., [1850].

81. Virués Y Spínola J. J. de (general), Chaluz de Vernevil F. T. A. An original and condensed grammar of harmony, counterpoint, and musical composition; or the generation of euphony reduced to natural truth… London: Brown, Green and Longman, 1850. [P. 18–19].

82. Lloyd G. W. The chapel choir book, A collection of catholic music, consisting of masses, anthems, chants, and hymns, to which is prefixed a short treatise on the art of singing. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1850.

83. Bell D. Ch. The modern reader and speaker: a selection of poetry and prose from the writings of eminent authors, with copious extracts from recitation; preceded by the principles of elocution, comprising a variety of exercises, from the simplest articulation to the utmost extent of vocal expression; with a system of gesture, illustrated by diagrams and a plan of notation. Dublin: James McGlashan, 1850.

84. Adams J. S. 5000 Musical Terms: a Complete Dictionary of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, French, German, Spanish, English and such other Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, and Signs… Boston: Oliver Ditson; New York: C. H. Ditson, 1851.

85. Dobson Th., Macfarquhar C., Gleig G. Encyclopædia; or a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature… Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson, 1798. Vol. IV.

86. Панов А. А., Розанов И. В. Итальянская темповая терминология в немецкой исполнительской практике барокко, рококо и классицизма // Вестн. С.-Петерб. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2011. № 4. С. 3–58.

87. Панов А. А., Розанов И. В. Итальянская темповая терминология во французской исполнительской практике барокко, рококо и классицизма. Часть I // Вестн. С.-Петерб. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2012. № 2. С. 64–98.

88. Панов А. А., Розанов И. В. Итальянская темповая терминология во французской исполнительской практике барокко, рококо и классицизма. Часть II // Вестн. С.-Петерб. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2012. № 3. С. 13–46.


1. Malcolm A. A Treatise of Musick, Speculative, Practical and Historical. Edinburgh, the Author, 1721.

2. Chambers E. Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; containing The Definitions of the Terms; And Accounts of The Things signify’d thereby, In the several Arts, Both Liberal and Mechanical, And the several Sciences, Human and Divine… 2 Vols. London, Printed for James and John Knapton, John Darby, Daniel Midwinter, [a. o.], 1728.

3. Prelleur P. A Dictionary Explaining Such Greek, Latin, Italian & French Words as generally occur in Musick. The Modern Musick-Master or, the Universal Musician… London, [for the Author], [1730].

4. Bailey N. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary… The Fifth Edition, with considerable Improvements. London, J. and J. Knapton: D. Midwinter and A. Ward: A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch: F. Fayram: J. Osborn and T. Longman: J. Pemberton: C. Rivington: F. Clay: J. Batley and R. Hett, 1731.

5. Grassineau J. A Musical Dictionary; being a Collection of Terms and Characters, As well Ancient as Modern; including the Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Parts of Music… London, John Wilcox, 1740.

6. Tans’ur W. A new musical grammar: or, the harmonical spectator… London, Jacob Robinson, 1746.

7. Anonyme. The Compleat Tutor For the Flute… London, R. Bremner, [1750].

8. Dyche Th., Pardon W. A New General English Dictionary; Peculiarly calculated for the Use and Improvement Of such as are unacquainted with the Learned Languages. Wherein the difficult Words, and Technical Terms made use of in… Musick… The Eleventh Edition… London, Catherine and Richard Ware, 1760.

9. A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences… By a Society of Gentlemen. Second Edition. 4 vols. London, W. Owen, 1763–1764.

10. Bellamy D. A New, Complete, and Universal English Dictionary; for the Use and Improvement Of all those who have not had the Benefit of a learned Education. Wherein Difficult Words and Technical Terms, in all Faculties and Professions, whether in… Music… The Fourth Edition, Corrected and Improved, with Additions. London, J. Fuller, 1764.

11. Croker T. H. The Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences… Among the various Branches of Literature explained in this Work are the following, viz. … Music… 2 vols. London, the Authors, 1764–1765.

12. Hoyle J. Dictionarium MUSICA, being a COMPLETE DICTIONARY: or, Treasury of Music. Containing a full Explanation of all the Words and Terms made use of in Music, both Speculative, Practical and Historical. All the Words and Terms, made use of by the Italians, are also inserted. The whole Compiled from the best Ancient and Modern Authors who have wrote on the Subject. London, Printed for the Author, 1770.

13. Falkener R. INSTRUCTIONS for playing the HARPSICHORD. Wherein is fully explained the Mystery of THOROUGH BASS, with Divers other Material Things hitherto kept a Profound Secret. By the MUSICAL SOCIETY. To which is added, Exact Rules for TUNING the Harpsichord; with all the different-sized WIRES used in that Instrument. London, the author, 1770.

14. Holden J. An Essay Towards A Rational System of Music. Glasgow, Robert Urie, 1770.

15. Anonym. The Compleat Tutor FOR THE HAUTBOY Containing the easiest & most improv’d Rules for Learners to play To which is added A favourite collection of Airs, Marches, Minuets, Duets, &c. … London, J. Al. P. Thompson, [ca. 1770].

16. Burney Ch. The Present State of Music in France and Italy: or, The Journal of a Tour through those Countries, undertaken to collect Materials for A General History of Music. The Second Edition, Corrected. London, T. Becket and Co., J. Robson, and G. Robinson, 1773.

17. Avison Ch. An Essay On Musical Expression… The Third Edition. London, Lockyer Davis, 1775.

18. Tosi P. F. Observations on the Florid Song; or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers, Written in Italian…Transl. into English by Nr. Galliard, Useful for all Performers, Instrumental as well as Vocal. To which are added Explanatory Annotations, and Examples in Musick. London, J. Wilcox, 1743.

19. Steele J. An essay towards establishing the melody and measure of speech to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols. London, W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1775.

20. Ash J. The new and Complete Dictionary of the English Language… 2 vols. London, Edward and Charles Dilly, R. Baldwin, 1775.

21. Anonym. Playing the Harpsichord, Spinnet or Piano Forte, made easy by NEW INSTRUSTIONS wherein the Italian manner of Fingering is shewn by variety of Examples, with choice Lessons selected from the most Eminent Masters, proper for Beginners, and very useful for proficients on those Instruments or the ORGAN with concise Rules for playing a good Thoro’ Bass. … [With a] Dictionary explaining such words as generally occur in Music. London, Longman and Broderip, [ca. 1785].

22. Jefferson Th. Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Late President of United States. London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1829. Vol. 1.

23. Geminiani F. New and Compleat Instructions For The Violin, Containing the Easiest and best Methods for Learners to Obtain A Proficiency, with some useful Direstions, Lessons, Graces, &c. London, Longman and Broderip, [ca. 1790].

24. Callcott J. W. An Explanation of the Notes, Marks, Words, & c, Used in Music… London, the Author, 1792.

25. Wragg J. THE OBOE PRECEPTOR; or the Art of Playing the OBOE, Rendered perfectly easy to every Capacity, in which every Instruction relative to that Instrument is progressively arranged; the different modes of FINGERING fully exemplified, & the whole systematically laid down in so plain and easy a Manner, as to require No ASSISTANCE from a MASTER. London, the Author, 1792.

26. Barclay J. (curate of Edmonton), Shorton W. A Complete and Universal English Dictionary: including not only A Full Explanation if Difficult Words and Technical Terms in all Faculties and Professions whether in… Music… A New Edition corrected and improved. London, J. F. and C. Rivington, 1792.

27. Fenning D. The Royal English Dictionary: or, a Treasury of the English Language. Containing, A Full Explanation of all the Terms made Use in… Music… The Second Edition Improved. London, R. Baldwin, 1763.

28. Kollmann A. F. C. The first Beginning on the Piano Forte, according to an Improved Method of teaching Beginners, Containing an explanatory Introduction, The Rudiments of the Art of playing on Key’d Instruments, & a series of progressive Lessons and Sonatinas. The whole being consrtucted so that any Person of common capacity who never touched an Instrument or knew a Note before, may in the very 1.st Lesson learn to play something by Notes; & calculated for the use of Grown Persons as well as of Children who can reach more than a 6th. on the Instrument. London, the author, [ca. 1796].

29. Kollmann A. F. C. An essay on musical harmony, according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors. London, J. Dale, 1796.

30. Prætorius M. SYNTAGMATIS MuSICI … Tomus TERTIUS. Wolffenbüttel, Elias Holwein, 1619.

31. Dom Bedos de Celles F. L’Art Du Facteur D’Orgues. Paris, L. F. Delatour, 1766–1778.

32. Hüllmandel N. J. PRINCIPLES of Music, chiefly calculated for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord. With Progressive Lessons. London, R. Birchall, [ca. 1796].

33. Olinthus G. Lessons Astronomical and Philosophical for the Amusement and Instruction of British Youth: being an Attempt to explain and account for the most usual Appearances in Nature, in a familiar Manner from established Principles. Cambridge, Robinson, 1796.

34. The Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature; Extended and Improved. By A Society of Gentlemen. A New Arrangement. Ed. by T. G. Smollett. London, A. Hamilton, 1797, Vol. 21.

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81. Virués Y Spínola J. J. de (general), Chaluz de Vernevil F. T. A. An original and condensed grammar of harmony, counterpoint, and musical composition; or the generation of euphony reduced to natural truth… London, Brown, Green and Longman, 1850. [P. 18–19].

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87. Panov A. A., Rozanov I. V. Ital'ianskaia tempovaia terminologiia vo frantsuzskoi ispolnitel'skoi praktike barokko, rokoko i klassitsizma. Chast' I. Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 15. Iskusstvovedenie, 2012, no. 2, pp. 64–98. (In Russian)

88. Panov A. A., Rozanov I. V. Ital'ianskaia tempovaia terminologiia vo frantsuzskoi ispolnitel'skoi praktike barokko, rokoko i klassitsizma. Chast' II. Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. 15. Iskusstvovedenie, 2012, no. 3, pp. 13–46. (In Russian)




Как цитировать

Панов, А. А., & Розанов, И. В. (2012). Итальянская темповая терминология в исполнительской практике Великобритании и США эпохи барокко, рококо и классицизма. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Искусствоведение, 2(4), 82–127. извлечено от https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1578


