Project of Revalorization and Extension of the Historic Monastery Complex of St Sigismund’s Parish in Częstochowa (Poland) — A Case Study




This article presents theoretical problems related to the renovation of historic buildings in Europe of the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. They concern the creation of scientifically justified concepts and methods of renovation aimed at preserving the authenticity and historical significance of monuments. Historical architectural developments, including buildings from different eras, determine the individual appearance of historic European cities. Architectural monuments allow one to become aware of the originality of culture and character traits of each nation. Therefore, in the context of globalization, the study, protection and use of historical objects is one of the factors shaping the national self-awareness. Practical activities related to the adaptation of historical cultural space to contemporary needs were discussed on the example of the revalorization of a 15th-century religious complex located in the historic area of the city of Częstochowa in Poland. This area, called the “Old Town”, is one of the main elements of the compositional canvas of the town’s urban layout (beginning of the 19th century). The revalorization of the St Sigismund church complex together with the monastery buildings, due to the importance for the urban layout of the city, as well as due to its historical, cultural and religious significance, constituted an essential challenge for designers, archaeologists, historians and local authorities.

Ключевые слова:

architecture, architectural heritage, revalorization of historical structures, urban revitalization, civil engineering


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Библиографические ссылки


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Как цитировать

Sołkiewicz-Kos, N., Kazhar, N. V., & Zadworny, M. (2022). Project of Revalorization and Extension of the Historic Monastery Complex of St Sigismund’s Parish in Częstochowa (Poland) — A Case Study. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Искусствоведение, 12(2), 295–318.


