About Serge Prokofiev’s American Tour at the End of 1920





Prokofiev’s enormous correspondence reflects a universe that is densely populated and reflects the enormous amount of his correspondence. The multifaceted nature of his inner-self is revealed in his letters to different people, which displays great diversity in style. Varied accents and perspectives appear in his letters: some personality traits come forward, new facts emerge, some creative aspects appear in unaccustomed ways. Prokofiev’s fourteen letters to his mother chronologically cover a little more than the last two months out of three that he spent in America in the winter of 1920. One important feature of Prokofiev’s nature is reflected in letters to his mother: passion for travel. He moves constantly and still enjoys a difficult life, full of hassle, on tour. His letters to his mother were sent from the Savoiya crossing the Pacific Ocean, from the train to California, and from New York City, Chicago, Appleton, San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles. These documented sources are interesting not only because of their content. Prokofiev was writing to a person who had almost lost her sight. The composer’s usual briefness of utterance is maximized there. The informational content of this cursive writing is extremely high, and the short messages and postcards written in large round letters condense massive informative layers: the young musician’s life, the staging of his operas (about which he works many angles), tragic backwashes of the Russian history, signals from the past lost in Saint Petersburg flat where his papers had been missed, commissioned and uncommissioned works, an exhibit hall of nearly outlined characters, and a constant lack of money. This is a counterpoint voice to the Diary.


Serge Prokofiev, Maria Prokofiev, Mikhail Larionov, America in 1920, Russians in America, Prokofiev’s friends, Prokofiev-pianist, Prokofiev-voyager


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Author Biography

Natalia P. Savkina, Moscow Conservatory

PhD in Arts, Associate Professor



1. Прокофьев, Сергей, и Сергей Кусевицкий. Переписка, 1910–1953. Подгот. и коммент. Виктор Юзефович, ред. Марина Рахманова и Маргарита Есипова. М.: Дека-ВС, 2011.

2. Прокофьев, Сергей. Автобиография. Подгот. и коммент. Миральда Козлова. 2-е изд. М.: Сов. композитор, 1982.

3. Козлова, Миральда, вступ. ст., публикация и примеч. “Дорогая мамочка, пишу тебе из…”. Советская музыка, no. 4 (1991): 42–6.

4. Press, Stephen. “Prokofiev’s Vexing Entry into The USA”. Three Oranges Journal, no. 6 (2003): 18–21.

5. Прокофьева, Лина. “Из воспоминаний”. В изд. Сергей Прокофьев: статьи и материалы, сост. и ред. Израиль Нестьев и Георгий Эдельман, 174–232. 2-е изд. М.: Музыка, 1965.

6. Nice, David. Prokofiev: From Russia to the West. |1891–1935. New Heaven; London: Yale University Press, 2003.

7. Princess Julia Cantacuzene, Countess Speransky, nee Grant. Revolutionary Days: Including Passages from My Life Here and There, 1876–1917. Ed. by Terence Emmons. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1999.

8. Прокофьев, Сергей. Дневник. 3 тома. Париж: SPRKFV, 2002, т. 2: 1919–1933.

9. Thompson, Oscar. “Mary Garden”. In Thompson, Oscar. The American Singer. A Hundred Years of Success in Opera, 265–77. New York: Dial Press, 1937.

10. Польдяева, Елена. “‘Я часто с ним не соглашался…’. Из переписки С. С. Прокофьева и П. П. Сувчинского”. В изд. Петр Сувчинский и его время, ред. и сост. Алла Бретаницкая, 56–104. М.: Композитор, 1999.

11. Прокофьев, Сергей. “Автобиография”. В изд. С. С. Прокофьев: материалы, документы, воспоминания, сост., ред., примеч. и вступ. ст. Семён Шлифштейн, 15–196. 2-е изд. М.: Гос. муз. изд-во, 1961.

12. Дукельский, Владимир. “Об одной прерванной дружбе”. Мосты, вып. 13–14 (1968): 252–79.

13. Nabokov Niсolas. Old Friends and New Music. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1951.

14. Press, Stephen. “Diaghilev and the Two Versions of Prokofiev’s ‘Chout’”. Music and Letters 82, no. 1 (2001): 51–77.

15. Press, Stephen. Prokofiev’s Ballets for Diaghilev. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2016.

16. Савкина, Наталия. “Огненный Ангел” С. С. Прокофьева: к истории создания. М.: НИЦ “Московская консерватория”, 2015.


I. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 59–62. ID: SPA_1588 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 59–62 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1588].

II. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 63–67. ID: SPA_1589 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 63–67 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1589].

III. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 68, 69. ID: SPA_1590 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 68, 69 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1590].

IV. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 70, 71. ID: SPA_1591 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 70, 71 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1591].

V. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 72. ID: SPA_1592 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 72 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1592].

VI. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 73. ID: SPA_1594 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 73 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1594].

VII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 74. ID: SPA_1595 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 74 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1595].

VIII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 75. ID: SPA_1596 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 75 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1596].

IX. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 76. ID: SPA_1597 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 76 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1597].

X. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 77. ID: SPA_1600 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 77 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1597].

XI. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 78. ID: SPA_1602 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 78 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1602].

XII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 79. ID: SPA_1604 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 79 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1604].

XIII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 80. ID: SPA_1605 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 80 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1605].

XIV. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 81. ID: SPA_1608 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 81 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1608].


1. Prokofiev, Sergei, and Sergei Kusevitskii. Letters, 1910–1953. Prepared and comment. by Viktor Iuzefovich, ed. by Marina Rakhmanova and Margarita Esipova. Moscow: Deka-VS Publ., 2011. (In Russian)

2. Prokofiev, Sergei. Autobiography. Prepared and comment. by Miralda Kozlova. 2nd ed. Moscow: Sov. Kompozitor Publ., 1982. (In Russian)

3. Kozlova, Miralda, introd. article, publication and comment. “Dear Mammy, I Write You from…”. Sovetskaia muzyka, no. 4 (1991): 42–6. (In Russian)

4. Press, Stephen. “Prokofiev’s Vexing Entry into The USA”. Three Oranges Journal, no. 6 (2003): 18–21.

5. Prokofieva, Lina. “From the Memoires”. In Sergei Prokof ’ev: stat’i i materialy, comp. and ed. Izrail’ Nest’ev and Georgii Edelman, 174–232. 2nd ed. Moscow: Muzyka Publ., 1965. (In Russian)

6. Nice, David. Prokofiev: From Russia to the West. 1891–1935. New Heaven; London: Yale University Press, 2003.

7. Princess Julia Cantacuzene, Countess Speransky, nee Grant. Revolutionary Days: Including Passages from My Life Here and There, 1876–1917. Ed. by Terence Emmons. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1999.

8. Prokofiev, Sergei. Diary. 3 vols. Paris: SPRKFV, 2002, vol. 2: 1919–1933. (In Russian)

9. Thompson, Oscar. “Mary Garden”. In Thompson, Oscar. The American Singer. A Hundred Years of Success in Opera, 265–77. New York: Dial Press, 1937.

10. Pol’diaeva, Elena. “‘I did not Agree with Him Often …’. From the Correspondence Between S. S. Prokofiev and P. P. Souvchinsky”. In Petr Suvchinskii i ego vremia, ed. and comp. by Alla Bretanitskaia, 56–104. Moscow: Kompozitor Publ., 1999. (In Russian)

11. Prokofiev, Sergei. “Autobiography”. In S. S. Prokof ’ev: materialy, dokumenty, vospominaniia, comp., ed., comment. and introd. article by Semen Shlifshtein, 15–196. 2nd ed. Moscow: Gos. muz. izd-vo Publ., 1961. (In Russian)

12. Dukel’skii, Vladimir. “About One Friendship Interrupted”. Mosty, iss. 13–14 (1968): 252–79. (In Russian)

13. Nabokov, Nikolas. Old Friends and New Music. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1951.

14. Press, Stephen. “Diaghilev and the Two Versions of Prokofiev’s ‘Chout’”. Music and Letters 82, no. 1 (2001): 51–77.

15. Press, Stephen. Prokofiev’s Ballets for Diaghilev. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2016.

16. Savkina, Natalia. “Fiery Angel” by Sergei Prokofiev. From the History of Composition. Moscow: NITs “Moskovskaia konservatoriia” Publ., 2015. (In Russian)


I. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 59–62. ID: SPA_1588 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 59–62 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1588]. (In Russian)

II. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 63–67. ID: SPA_1589 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 63–67 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1589]. (In Russian)

III. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 68, 69. ID: SPA_1590 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 68, 69 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1590]. (In Russian)

IV. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 70, 71. ID: SPA_1591 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Items 70, 71 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1591]. (In Russian)

V. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 72. ID: SPA_1592 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 72 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1592]. (In Russian)

VI. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 73. ID: SPA_1594 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 73 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1594]. (In Russian)

VII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 74. ID: SPA_1595 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 74 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1595]. (In Russian)

VIII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 75. ID: SPA_1596 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 75 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1596]. (In Russian)

IX. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 76. ID: SPA_1597 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 76 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1597]. (In Russian)

X. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 77. ID: SPA_1600 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 77 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1597]. (In Russian)

XI. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 78. ID: SPA_1602 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 78 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1602]. (In Russian)

XII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 79. ID: SPA_1604 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 79 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1604]. (In Russian)

XIII. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 80. ID: SPA_1605 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 80 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1605]. (In Russian)

XIV. SPA. F. XVIII. It. 81. ID: SPA_1608 [The UK. London. Serge Prokofiev Archive. Folder XVIII. Item 81 / The USA. New York. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ID: SPA_1608]. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Savkina, N. P. . (2022). About Serge Prokofiev’s American Tour at the End of 1920. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 12(1), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu15.2022.102


