Clavier toccatas by J. S. Bach. On the question of genre genesis


  • Elena V. Burundukovskaya The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music


The article addresses the questions of genesis of clavier toccata and its development in the works by J. S. Bach. The author also reveals the traces of non mesurée French preludes compositional structure in the clavier toccatas by J. S. Bach.


clavier, toccata, prelude, fantasia, fugue, arpeggiando


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Author Biography

Elena V. Burundukovskaya, The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music

Dr. Habil., associate professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Harp



1. Бах И. С. Токкаты. BWV 910–916. Уртекст. Neue Bach-Ausgabe. М.: РМИ, 2005. 125 c.

2. Marshall R. Organ or “Klavier”? Instrumental prescriptions in the sources of the keyboard works // J. S. Bach as organist, his Instruments, Music, and Performance Practices. Batsford; London: Indiana University Press, 1986. P. 193–211.

3. Wolff Chr. The Identity of the «Fratro Dilettissimo» in the Capriccio B-Flat Major and Other Problems of J. S. Bach’s Early Harpsichord Works // The Harpsichord and Its Repertoire: Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium, Utrecht 1990. Utrecht: STIMU Foundation for Historical Performance Practice, 1992. P. 145–156.

4. Kircher A. …Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni: in X libros digesta. Romae: Ex Typographia Haeredum Francisci Corbelletti, 1650. Libro I. 690 p.

5. Jones R. The keyboard works: Bach as teacher and virtuoso // The Cambridge Companion to BACH. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. P. 136–153.

6. Frescobaldi G. Toccate e Partite d’intavolatura di cimbalo… libro primo. Kassel u. a.: Bärenreiter, 2010.

7. Brossard [S. de (l’Abbé)]. Dictionnaire des termes grecs, latins et italiens, dont on se sert fréquemment dans toutes sortes de Musique, & particulierement dans l’Italienne. Paris: [Jean-Baptiste-] Christophe Ballard, 1701. 380 p.


1. Bakh I. S. Tokkaty. BWV 910–916. Urtekst. Neue Bach-Ausgabe. Moscow, RMI, 2005. 125 p. (In Russian)

2. Marshall R. Organ or “Klavier”? Instrumental prescriptions in the sources of the keyboard works. J. S. Bach as organist, his Instruments, Music, and Performance Practices. Batsford; London, Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 193–211.

3. Wolff Chr. The Identity of the «Fratro Dilettissimo» in the Capriccio B-Flat Major and Other Problems of J. S. Bach’s Early Harpsichord Works. The Harpsichord and Its Repertoire: Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium, Utrecht 1990. Utrecht, STIMU Foundation for Historical Performance Practice, 1992, pp. 145–156.

4. Kircher A. …Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni: in X libros digesta. Romae, Ex Typographia Haeredum Francisci Corbelletti, 1650, libro I. 690 p.

5. Jones R. The keyboard works: Bach as teacher and virtuoso. The Cambridge Companion to BACH. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 136–153.

6. Frescobaldi G. Toccate e Partite d’intavolatura di cimbalo… Libro primo. Kassel u. a., Bärenreiter, 2010.

7. Brossard [S. de (l’Abbé)]. Dictionnaire des termes grecs, latins et italiens, dont on se sert fréquemment dans toutes sortes de Musique, & particulierement dans l’Italienne. Paris, [Jean-Baptiste-] Christophe Ballard, 1701. 380 p.



How to Cite

Burundukovskaya, E. V. . (2012). Clavier toccatas by J. S. Bach. On the question of genre genesis. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 216–219. Retrieved from




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