Lars Sonck — Architect of Churches


  • Margarita K. Kabakchi Saint Petersburg State University


The article deals with only one aspect of creative work of Lars Sonck (1870–1956) — one of the most prominent Finnish architects of the period known as “national romanticism”, namely church construction. During his long and prolific career L. Sonck built quite a number of churches and cathedrals, big and small, in different regions of Finland. A few of these churches serve as examples of how the artistic method of the architect changed in 1890–1930s. That was the period of transition from eclecticism to Art Nouveau, then neoclassical style and Art Deco, still further — to functionalism in Finnish architecture. The author of the article describes the background history of the construction of the churches, their peculiar as well as typical features, and also provides information about their current condition and usage.


Finland, national romanticism, Lars Sonck, church


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Author Biography

Margarita K. Kabakchi, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Faculty of Philology



1. Art Nouveau architecture / ed. By Frank Russell. London: Bibliophile Books, 1983. 332 p.

2. Hitchock H.-R. Architecture: XIX and XX Centuries // The Pelican History of Art. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1971. 682 p.

3. Иконников А. В. Новая архитектура Финляндии. М.: Стройиздат, 1972. 144 c.

4. Кириллов В. В. Архитектура «северного модерна». М.: КомКнига, 2011. 160 с.

5. Курбатов Ю. И. Турку. История и архитектурный портрет города. СПб.: Европейский Дом, 2004. 124 c.

6. Art nouveau / Jugenstil Architecture: International Joint Cultural Study and Action Project to Preserve and Restore World Art Nouveau / Jugenstil Architectural Heritage. Helsinki, 1991. Vol. 53. 231 p.

7. Lars Sonck, 1870–1956, arkkitehti; Lars Sonck, 1870–1956, Architect. Helsinki: Suomen rakennustaiteen museo, 1982. 156 p.

8. Art and the national dream: the search for vernacular expression in turn-of-the-century design / ed. by N. G. Bowe. Blackrock: Irish Academic Press, LTD, 1993. 213 p.

9. Spence R. Lars Sonck // The Architectural Review. 1982. № 1020, February. P. 40–49.

10. Suomen Teollisuuslehti. 1898. № 16.

11. Mariehamns stad. Marienhamn: Ålands Konstmuseum, 2005. 17 p.

12. Korvenmaa P. Innovation versus Tradition — the Architect Lars Sonck. Works and Projects 1900–1910. Ekenäs, 1991. 169 p.

13. Ringbom S. Stone, Style and Truth. The Vogue for Natural Stone in Nordic Architecture 1880–1910. Finnish Association of Antiquities. Publication № 91. Helsinki, 1987.


1. Art Nouveau architecture Ed. By Frank Russell. London, Bibliophile Books, 1983. 332 p.

2. Hitchock H.-R. Architecture: XIX and XX Centuries. The Pelican History of Art. New Haven; London, Yale University Press, 1971. 682 p.

3. Ikonnikov A. V. Novaia arkhitektura Finliandii. Moscow, Stroiizdat, 1972. 144 p. (In Russian)

4. Kirillov V. V. Arkhitektura "severnogo moderna". Moscow, KomKniga Publ., 2011. 160 p. (In Russian)

5. Kurbatov Iu. I. Turku. Istoriia i arkhitekturnyi portret goroda. St. Petersburg, Evropeiskii Dom Publ., 2004. 124 p. (In Russian)

6. Art nouveau. Jugenstil Architecture: International Joint Cultural Study and Action Project to Preserve and Restore World Art Nouveau. Jugenstil Architectural Heritage. Helsinki, 1991, vol. 53. 231 p.

7. Lars Sonck, 1870–1956, arkkitehti; Lars Sonck, 1870–1956, Architect. Helsinki, Suomen rakennustaiteen museo, 1982. 156 p.

8. Art and the national dream: the search for vernacular expression in turn-of-the-century design. Ed. by N. G. Bowe. Blackrock, Irish Academic Press, LTD, 1993. 213 p.

9. Spence R. Lars Sonck. The Architectural Review, 1982, no. 1020, February, pp. 40–49.

10. Suomen Teollisuuslehti, 1898, no. 16.

11. Mariehamns stad. Marienhamn, Ålands Konstmuseum, 2005. 17 p.

12. Korvenmaa P. Innovation versus Tradition — the Architect Lars Sonck. Works and Projects 1900–1910. Ekenäs, 1991. 169 p.

13. Ringbom S. Stone, Style and Truth. The Vogue for Natural Stone in Nordic Architecture 1880–1910. Finnish Association of Antiquities. Publication № 91. Helsinki, 1987.



How to Cite

Kabakchi, M. K. . (2012). Lars Sonck — Architect of Churches. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(3), 144–158. Retrieved from


