The “translation” of style of the paintings: from copy to deconstruction


  • Elena V. Rovenko Moscow State Conservatory


This article focuses on the phenomenon of the copy of a painting in historical perspective. Originally copying was considered as craft. The artist made an attempt to accurately reproduce the original, sometimes for training purposes. In the latter case, the most important copyist’s task was to assimilate figurative language of the original and recreate the style. However, since the middle of the XIX century the copy turns into a dialogue with the original leading to translation of subject sense of the original into a modern language. Sometimes figural (often spiritual) sense of a work is exposed to transformation: in this case it is possible to speak about a variation on the subject of the original and its interpretation. In the XX century in the context of changing an attitude to reality the dialogue, contact are replaced by alienation and rupture of communications. In such context the copy appears as a paraphrase, a parody, deconstruction, complete elimination of the original meaning.


copy, original, translation, deconstruction, art style, subject and composite aspects of the picture


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Author Biography

Elena V. Rovenko, Moscow State Conservatory

postgraduate; lecturer of the Foreign Music History Division; teacher at the Academic Music College at the Moscow State Conservatory; junior researcher of the Research center of methodology of historical musicology



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How to Cite

Rovenko, E. V. . (2013). The “translation” of style of the paintings: from copy to deconstruction. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 125–138. Retrieved from



Visual arts