Ella von Schultz-Adajewski (1846–1926): The Creative Fate of a Musician and Studies of the Musical Folklore of European Peoples





The article is devoted to Ella von Schultz-Adajewski, who left a convincing mark in the Russian and European musical culture of the second half of the 19th — early 21st centuries. The talented musician, born in Russia, continued her creative life in Italy and Germany. Her natural talents and brilliant education (she studied with leading professors of the St Petersburg Conservatory: A.Dreyshok, N.I.Zaremba, A. S.Famintsyn, I.K.Voyachek) allowed her to maximize her professional potential as a pianist, composer, and music researcher. The author of original works in various genres that are attractive to modern performers, Ella von Schultz-Adajewski combined the role of a practicing musician with deep, original theoretical works in the field of comparative musicology. Actually, she became one of the discoverers of this method, which formed the basis of the science of ethnomusicology. The bright artistic and scientific heritage has not yet received a decent assessment in Russian musicology. Meanwhile, in the history of world culture, Ella von Schultz was destined to become the discoverer of the musical folklore of the Friulian Christians, whose folk culture was also the subject of serious scientific interests of outstanding philologists, linguists of St. Petersburg University: I.I. Sreznevsky, I.Baudouin de Courtenay. The works of the musician and wordsmiths laid the foundation of knowledge about the culture of the Slavs, who have been living in Northern Italy for centuries. In the articles devoted to the folklore of various European peoples, the author seeks to find a deep “matrix” reflecting the genetic features of the culture of a particular ethnic group. Innovative for its time are the idea of Ella von Schultz about the inseparable connection of musical folklore and the context of its existence, methods of musical analysis using synoptic tables. The article publishes archival materials for the first time, provides information reflecting the period of Ella von Schultz’s studies at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, her contacts with Russian musicians after her departure abroad. For the first time, unknown scientific articles are also characterized, in which folklore samples are considered from the standpoint of “ethnological documents”.


Ella von Schultz, pianist, composer, ethnomusicology, European folklore, innovative research


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I. ЦГИА СПб. Архив [Дело воспитанницы] Эллы Шульц. Ф. 361. Оп. 2. Д. 7759. Ед. хр. 5. Л. 2 — 2 об.

II. ЦГИА СПб. Архив [Дело воспитанницы] Эллы Шульц. Ф. 361. Оп. 2. Д. 7759. Ед. хр. 5. Л. 1.

III. ОР РНБ. Архив Финдейзена Н.Ф.Ф. 816. Оп. 2. Ед. хр. 1239.

IV. ОР РНБ. Архив Фаминцына А.С.Ф. 805. Ед. хр. 431. Л. 5–6.

V. ЦГИА СПб. Архив [Дело воспитанницы] Эллы Шульц. Ф. 361. Оп. 2. Д. 7759. Ед. хр. 5. Л. 5–6.

VI. ОР РНБ. Архив Вакселя П.А.Ф. 123. Ед. хр. 65.


1. Adaïewsky, Ella. Un voyage à Résia. Il manoscritto di Ella Adaïewsky del 1883 e la nascita dell’etnomusicologia in Europa. A cura di Febo Guizzi. Trascrizione del manoscritto di Giuseppe Frappa. Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2012.

2. “Russian musical writer in Italy”. Russkaia muzykal’naia gazeta, no. 32–33 (1902): 776–68. (In Russian)

3. Ivanov-Boreczkij, Mikhail. “Schultz-Adayevskaya”. Muzyka’noe obrazovanie, no. 5–6 (1926): 144. (In Russian)

4. Nekrasova, Galina. “From the history of the St. Petersburg conservatory: Ella Schulz-Adaevskaya (1846–1926)”. Elektronnyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii zhurnal “ARTE”, no. 1 (2022): 78–84. Accessed January 19, 2023. https://www.sgiiart.ru/jour/article/view/142/137. (In Russian)

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6. Lomtev, Denis. “Ella von Schultz-Adaevskaya is a female composer”. In Russkie muzykalnye arkhivy za rubezhom. Zarubezhnye muzykalnye arkhivy Rossii, no. 85 (2019): 129–39. (In Russian)

7. Teplova, Irina. “Ella von Schultz-Adaiewsky as ‘a pioneer of ethnomusicology’: discoveries of the ХIХ century”. Makedonski folklore, no. 77–78 (2020): 197–206.

8. Teplova, Irina. “Musical Folklore of Resia in historical retrospect: from auditory recordings to digital technologies”. Opera musicologica, no. 1/14 (2022): 112–33. https://doi.org/10.26156/OM.2022.14.1.007 (In Russian)

9. Adaïewsky, Ella. Scritti sulla musica (1888–1925). А cura di Paola Barzan e Ilario Meandri. Coordinamento editoriaie Andrea Rucli. Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana. 2021.

10. Hüsken, Renate. Ella Adaïewsky (1846–1926): Pianistin, Komponistin, Musikwissenschaftlerin. Köln: Dohr, 2005.

11. Hüsken, Renate. Ella von Schultz Adaïewsky: Atti dei convegni 2007‒2008. A cura di Umberto. Berti; Associazione Musicale Sergio Gaggia. Cividale del Friuli; Udine: Tipografia Pellegrini-il Cerchio, 2011. P. 73–83. (Con CD.)

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15. Schultz-Adaevski, Ella. Melodies and texts recorded by the Terek Slavs. St Petersburg: Tipografiia Imperatorskoi akademii nauk Publ., 1904. (In Russian)

16. Strajnar, Julian. “La musica strumentale a Resia e le trascrizioni di Ella von Schultz Adaïewsky”. In Ella von Schultz Adaïewsky: Atti dei convegni 2007–2008. А a cura di Umberto. Berti; Associazione Musicale Sergio Gaggia, 51–62. Cividale del Friuli; Udine: Tipografia Pellegrini il Cerchio, 2011.

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19. Baudouin de Courtenay, Ivan. “Rezya and rezyane”. Slavianskii sbornik, no. 3 (1876): 223–371. (In Russian)

20. Teplova, Irina. “Val Resia: a little island of Slavonic culture in the north-east of Italy: past and present”. In Interdisciplinary studies of artistic culture. First international academic conference “Polylogue and synthesis of arts: history and modernity, theory and practice”. March 5, 2018, ed. by Nina Nikolaeva, Svetlana Konanchuk, Olga Ovechkina, 154–66. СПб.: Изд-во РХГА, 2020.

21. Ellis, Alexander John. “On the Musical Scales of Various Nations”. Journal of the Society of Arts, no. 1688/33 (1885): 485–527.

22. Stumpf, Carl. The Origins of Music, ed. and transl. by David Trippett. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.


I. TzGIA SPb. Archive of E. Schultz. F. 361. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 7759. L. 2 — 2 оb. [The Central State Historical Archive of St Petersburg. Stock 361. Inventory 2. Record 7759. Sheet 2 — 2 vol.]. (In Russian)

II. TSGIA SPb. Archive of Ella Schultz. F. 361. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 7759. L. 1. [The Central State Historical Archive of St Petersburg. Stock 361. Inventory 2. Record 7759. Sheet 1]. (In Russian)

III. OR RNB.Archive of N.Findeisen. F. 816. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 1239. [Russian National Library. Manuscripts Department. Stock 816. Inventory 2. Sheet 1239]. (In Russian)

IV. OR RNB.Archive of Famintsyn A.F. 805. Ed. khr. 431. L. 5–6. [Russian National Library. Manuscripts Department. Stock 805. Record 431. Sheet 5–6]. (In Russian)

V. TzGIA SPb. Archive of E. Schultz. F. 361. Op.2. Ed. khr. 7759. L. 5–6. [The Central State Historical Archive of St Petersburg. Stock 361. Inventory 2. Record 7759. Sheet 5–6]. (In Russian)

VI. OR RNB.Archive of Waxel P.A.F. 123. Ed. khr. 65 [Russian National Library. Manuscripts Department. Stock 123. Record 65]. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Teplova, I. B. (2023). Ella von Schultz-Adajewski (1846–1926): The Creative Fate of a Musician and Studies of the Musical Folklore of European Peoples. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 13(3), 396–412. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu15.2023.301


