Artistic Ties between Azerbaijan and St Petersburg: History and Modernity


  • Khazar A. Zeynalov Institute of Architecture and Art of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences



The article highlights the Azerbaijani and St Petersburg interrelation in the field of fine arts. The author studies factual materials and investigates works related to these interrelationships. These are works of painting, sculpture and graphics created at different times by Leningrad and Azerbaijani artists. Studying these materials, the author substantiates the importance of scientific research in this direction. The study is divided historically into two main stages: Soviet and post-Soviet, which is the simplest form of chronological division. This division is acceptable, because, the author researches not a certain period or area of interrelationships, but offers a general methodological form of art historical investigation. According to the author, the main directions are thematic works, studies and holding exhibitions (or other events) in the considered interrelations. Exactly, these three points of activity (in many variations) form the basis of the factual material to be studied in the future. According to the author, studies at the universities of Leningrad had a beneficial effect on the development of creativity and the formation of the artistic worldview of most Azerbaijani artists. While studying at the prestigious art universities of Leningrad, these young artists returned to the republic as mature specialists, often proficient in the norms of academic painting and sculpture. Their work significantly enriched the fine arts of Azerbaijan, especially in the 50s–80s of the last century. The availability of interesting materials, friendly interrelations between the government of St Petersburg and the Republic of Azerbaijan create favorable preconditions for conducting active artistic research in this direction on more specific topics. The research of interrelationships contributes greatly to highlighting our common cultural heritage and supports to the strengthening of friendships in our time.


Azerbaijani and St Petersburg artistic interrelations, art historical investigation, methodology of research, painting, graphics, sculpture, Alexander Galerkin, Tahir Salahov, Ian Neiman, Gorush Babayev


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How to Cite

Zeynalov, K. A. (2023). Artistic Ties between Azerbaijan and St Petersburg: History and Modernity. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 13(3), 432–448.



Visual arts