Transbaikal Painting of the 18th — the Early 20th Centuries: Periodization Problems




The article is devoted to the research of Transbaikal painting history in the context of regional fine arts formation, artistic direction development. The Transbaikal art features are connected with region’s distance from cultural centers. Transbaikal painting has formed as result of penetration Russian art traditions and influence of regional national cultures. It’s possible to conditionally distinguish several stages in the history of Transbaikal painting. The first stage of formation (18th–19th centuries) was associated with creativity of visiting artists and with emergence of self-educated artists. The drawings were being made during the ethnographic expeditions in Siberia, also the Decemberists made their contribution. Besides, the icon painting was presented. The Transbaikal visual art heyday (the 2nd stage, 20th century) was presented with period of creativity and exhibition activities activation of the 20th century beginning, period of war years’ poster art, and period of realistic painting heyday. A lot of various in colorit landscapes were made in period of realistic painting heyday (the middle and second half of the 20th century). These are open spaces, steppes, roads, lyrical overcast landscapes, majestic north Transbaikalia and Buryatia mountains, landscapes of the Lake Baikal. The plot and historical paintings were being depicted scenes of Soviet reality, events of the region history and culture. Socialist realism was reflected in portraits and in subject painting, works of “austere style” were created. Individual artists with a pronounced style, manner stood out. Paintings were created with decorative, symbolic, ethnic motifs, impressionistic. At the present stage (beginning of the 21st century) artists of Transbaikalia create in the traditional and modernist direction, in the direction of ethnofuturism. Globalization processes, digitalization stimulate the penetration of creativity various forms into the region, and modern art projects begin to be implemented. System of art education traditions are emerging.


Transbaikal painting, Transbaikal artists, Transbaikal landscape, Transbaikal painting history, Transbaikal contemporary art, V. I. Forov, Ya. I. Shplatov, S. M. Pavlutsky


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How to Cite

Lyashenko, E. S. (2023). Transbaikal Painting of the 18th — the Early 20th Centuries: Periodization Problems. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 13(3), 467–488.



Visual arts