The Iconography of a 17th Century Amber Casket: Problems of Reconstruction and Context




This paper explores the problems of reconstructing the iconography of amber artworks when some parts of their original ornamentation are lost. This research focuses on a mid-to-late 17th century frameless amber casket, popular as both a diplomatic gift and collectable. The history of attribution of the original casket from the collection of the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site, as well as that of the creative replicate made in 1979 for the Amber Museum in Kaliningrad, is given. A consideration of the written and visual sources reveals connections between the various texts (Biblical and theological writings, and emblematic and “iconological” essays) and images which have influenced the development of iconographic themes employed. Taking into account the features of decoration of the amber casket mentioned in the inventories, a new interpretation of its iconography is suggested and justified. The figure on the lid of the casket can be identified as an allegorical representation of Hope, one of the theological virtues. The attributes of the personification of Hope are defined, their sources are revealed and the context of their use is reconstructed. The versions of mentioned but not survived attributes are proposed. In special focus is connection between visual content of the allegory and its context. The Allegory of Hope, a theme widespread in Europe both in visual and applied arts, was a popular decorative motif in Prussian amber artworks dating from the 17th and 18th centuries. The well-grounded interpretation of the decorative motifs on amber artworks sent from Prussia as diplomatic gifts can provide a basis for further research into the items and their links to literary and archive sources.


amber artworks, Prussia, 17th century, amber casket, iconography, reconstruction, context, Allegory of Hope, museum


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IX. An Amber Games Board attributed to Georg Schreiber Expert adviser’s statement [Arts Council England]. Case 19 2012/13. Accessed May 12, 2023.



How to Cite

Polyakova, I. A. (2024). The Iconography of a 17th Century Amber Casket: Problems of Reconstruction and Context. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 14(3), 615–633.



Decorative and applied arts