Saint Jerome of Stridon in the West European pictorial art: Traditions, symbols, meanings




For the first time in Russian historiography, the symbolic and allegoric meaning of various forms of appanage accompanying images of Jerome of Stridon in art works of west European artists from the 15th to the 17th centuries is analyzed. We endeavor to trace the appearance and alteration of different pictorial symbols that became distinguishing features of Jerome of Stridon in various works of art.


Saint Jerome of Stridon, West European pictorial art of the 15–17th centuries, art symbol, allegory, bestiary


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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Yakovlev, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Director of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of philological research

Tatiana V. Volskaia, Saint Petersburg State University

scientific researcher of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of philological research



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16. Фокин А. Р. Блаженный Иероним Стридонский. Библеист, экзегет, теолог. М.: Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет, 2010. 224 с.

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2. Ferguson G. Signs and symbols in Christian Art. New York, Oxford University Press, 1961, 304 p.

3. Impelluso L. Nature and its symbols (a guide to imagery). Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum Publ., 2004, 384 p.

4. Battistini M. Symbols and allegories in art (a guide to imagery). Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum Publ., 2005, 384 p.

5. Stemp R. The secret language of the Renaissance: decoding the hidden symbolism of Italian art. London, Duncan Baird Publ., 2006, 224 p.

6. Gibson C. The Hidden Life of Renaissance Art: Secrets and Symbols in Great Masterpieces. Salford, Saraband Publ., 2007, 208 p.

7. Duchet-Suchaux G., Pastoureau M. La Bible et les saints. Paris, Flammarion Publ., 1999, 360 p.

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18. White T. H. Srednevekovyj bestiarij. Chto dumali nashi predki ob okruzhajushhem ih mire [The book of beasts]. Transl. from English by S. Fedorov. Moscow, ZAO Centrpoligraf Publ., 2013, 287 p. (In Russian)

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How to Cite

Yakovlev, V. V. ., & Volskaia, T. V. (2018). Saint Jerome of Stridon in the West European pictorial art: Traditions, symbols, meanings. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 8(1), 64–86.



Visual arts