The Beginnings of 1980s Soviet ‘Paper Architecture’ and the Circumstances of its Existence


  • Elena Iu. Kovalenko Lomonosov Moscow State University



History of Soviet ‘Paper Architeture’ of 1980s is mostly oral: its fragments are scattered in architecture magazines, critical articles and interviews. It seems that it has come from nowhere — this phenomenon has a very weak connection with what was going on in ‘built’ architecture. Nevertheless, Paper Architecture is a prominent part of Soviet culture of 1980s that is impossible to neglect. Conceptual architecture in the 20th century has certain regularity: to totalitarian myths of 1940s and once again as the part of the ‘Space Age’ aesthetics of 1960s. Paper Architecture wasn’t supported by ‘real’ architecture except from a very small number of projects; nevertheless it has answered the postmodernist challenge — to make architecture talk. Restoration of events chronicle may be the key to understanding the development of Paper Architecture: its duality between art and architecture, weak interest of its authors in ‘real’ building and disbanded nature of working groups can be explained by outer circumstances, not some program of the group. This article tries to connect this puzzle from recollections and events to describe the beginnings of this phenomenon.


paper architecture, Soviet architecture of 1980s, concept architecture, postmodernism, postmodernist architecture


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1. Sedov, Vladimir. “Oral History. On 20th Anniversary of Paper Architecture. Interview with I. Lezhava and M. Belov”. Proekt Klassika, no. 6 (2003). Accessed November 22, 2022. (In Russian)

2. Avvakumov, Iurii. Paper Architecture. An Anthology. Мoscow: Muzei sovremennogo iskusstva “Garazh” Publ., 2019. (In Russian)

3. Cook, Catherine. “A Picnic by the Roadside or Work in Hand for the Future?” In Architectural Association(Great Britain).Nostalgia of Culture: Contemporary Soviet Visionary Architecture. London: The Architectural Association, 1988.

4. Sedov, Vladimir, and Grigorii Revzin. “Aleksey Bavykin, Mikhail Khazanov. Oral History. On 20th Anniversary Of Paper Architecture”. Proekt Klassika, no. 7 (2003). Accessed November 20, 2022. (In Russian)

5. Belov, Anatolii. “On 20th Anniversary of Paper Architecture. Aleksandr Brodskii”. Proekt Klassika, no. 11 (2004). Accessed November 23, 2022. (In Russian)

6. Zaitsev, Dmitrii, and Aleksei Kaftanov. “Young Architects at International Competitions”. In God Arkhitektury, 72–7. Moscow: Stroiizdat Publ., 1987. (In Russian)

7. Tarkhanov, Aleksei. “Paper Architecture in 1986”. In God Arkhitektury, 77–86. Moscow: Stroiizdat Publ., 1987. (In Russian)

8. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR, no. 12 (1987): 6. (In Russian)

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10. Tumarkin, Mikhail. “Architecture Through The Looking-Glass”. Znanie — Sila, no. 1 (1986): 32. (In Russian)

11. Bocharov, Iurii. “Art Of Young Architects”. In God Arkhitektury, 262–8. Moscow: Stroiizdat Publ., 1987. (In Russian)

12. Kabanova, Olga. “‘We build communism’. Section of exhibition at Kuznetskii most”. In God Arkhitektury, 418–9. Moscow: Stroiizdat Publ., 1987. (In Russian)

13. Molok, Nikolaii. “Paper Architects Becoming Bricklayers”. Izvestiia. August 04, 2004. Accessed November 09, 2022. (In Russian)

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15. Latur, Alessandra. The Birth of Metropolia. Moscow 1930–1955. Recollections and Thoughts. Moscow: Iskusstvo 21 Veka Publ., 2005. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Kovalenko, E. I. (2023). The Beginnings of 1980s Soviet ‘Paper Architecture’ and the Circumstances of its Existence. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 13(4), 709–719.


