The reflection of life and works of Saint Jerome of Stridon in the west European pictorial art tradition of the 15–17th centuries




For the first time in Russian historiography the reflection of various sides of the life of Saint Jerome in art works of west European artists of the 15–17th centuries is being analyzed (his sojourn in the desert, his scientific and theological work, his activity as a translator and enlightener, etc.). Apart from that the article reviews numerous legends about Jerome that were very popular among Medieval and Renaissance painters. After analyzing a vast iconography dedicated to Jerome it is summarized that it is necessary to examine the appanage that became Jerome’s distinguishing features in the pictorial art, and also the symbolism of objects and animals associated with his image.


Saint Jerome of Stridon, West European pictorial art of the 15–17th centuries, Reclusion, Bible, Bethlehem


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Author Biographies

Vladimir V. Yakovlev, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Director of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of philological research

Tatiana V. Volskaia, Saint Petersburg State University

scientific researcher of the Encyclopedic Department of the Institute of philological research



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1. Vaccari A. Bollettino Geronimiano. Biblica, 1920, vol. 1, pp. 379–396, 533–562.

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3. Gribomont J. Jerome. Quasten. Patrology, 1986, vol. 4, pp. 212–246.

4. Nautin P. Études de chronologie hieronymienne (393–397). REAug, 1972, vol. 18, pp. 209–218; 1973, vol. 19, pp. 69–86, 213–239; 1974, vol. 20, pp. 251–284.

5. Kelly J. N. D. Jerome: His Life, Writings and Controversies. London, Hendrickson Publishers, 1975. 368 p.

6. Rebenich S. Hieronymus und sein Kreis: Prosopographische und sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1992. 328 S.

7. Rebenich S. Jerome. London; New York, Routledge Publ., 2002. 224 р.

8. Maraval P. Petite vie de saint Jérôme. Paris, Desclée de Brouwer Publ., 1995. 140 р.

9. Williams M. H. The Monk and the Book: Jerome and the Making of Christian Scholarship. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006. 312 р.

10. Pease A. S. The Attitude of Jerome toward Pagan Literature. Transactions and Proc. of the American Philological Assoc. Atlanta, 1919, vol. 50, nо. 1, pp. 150–167.

11. Hagendahl H. Jerome and the Latin Classics. VChr, 1974, vol. 28, pp. 216–227.

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26. Brown D. Jerome and the Vulgate. A History of Biblical Interpretation. Еds A. J. Hauser, D. F. Watson. Grand Rapids (Mich.), Eerdmans, 2003, vol. 1: The Ancient Period, pp. 355–379.

27. Ridderbos B. Saint and Symbol: Images of St. Jerome in Early Italian Art. Groningen: John Benjamins Publ. Co, 1984. 141 р.

28. Rice E. F. St. Jerome in the Renaissance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985. 304 p.

29. Russo D. St. Jérôme en Italie: Étude d‘iconographie et de spiritualité. Paris, Rome, Editions La Découverte. Ecole française de Rome, 1987. 299 p.

30. Lizzi Testa R. The Ascetic Portrayed: Jerome and Eusebius of Cremona in the Italian Art and Culture of the Renaissance. From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour of A. Cameron. Eds H. Amirav, R. B. ter Haar Romeny. Leuven, Peeters Publishers, 2007, pp. 303–337.

31. Pismo k Evstohii — o hranenii devstva [Letter to Eustochium on consecrated virginity]. Diesperov A. Blazhennyi Ieronim i ego vek. Compiler and comments A. A. Stoliarova. Moscow, Kanon+, 2002, pp. 137–175. (In Russian)

32. Pismo k monahu Iliodoru [Letter to monk Heliodorum]. Diesperov A. Blazhennyi Ieronim i ego vek. Comp. and comment. A. A. Stoliarova. Moscow, Kanon+, 2002, pp. 123–132. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Yakovlev, V. V. ., & Volskaia, T. V. . (2017). The reflection of life and works of Saint Jerome of Stridon in the west European pictorial art tradition of the 15–17th centuries. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 7(4), 453–471.



Visual arts