“Robert le Diable” as a political metaphor of July monarchy


  • Olga V. Zhestkova The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music




The paper is devoted to the political meaning of the opera Robert le Diable by G. Meyerbeer, E. Scribe, G. Delavigne in the context of social and political changes that followed the 1830 July Revolution. Robert le Diable was the first new staging in L’Académie royale de musique after administrative and economic reform. The new government of “illegitimate” King Louis-Philippe and a new administrative system of the Opera whose management was delegated to an entrepreneur were sharply criticized by the légitimistes. They argued that the Bourbons patronized the arts, therefore the Opera flourished, and the deposition of the legitimate King Charles X led to the fact that cultural institutions became effete. Consequently Orléaniste elite considered a luxury setting of Robert le Diable as a way to appease political opposition’s dissatisfaction with new regime. The opera became a success due to the novelty of the music, magnificence and showiness of performance. The authors of the opera and theater administration made every effort to avoid any inflammatory allusions in the text and in the staging. However, contemporaries interpreted it as a political metaphor reflecting the contradictions of the new government which followed both the monarchical and liberal principles.


“Robert le Diable”, opera, G. Meyerbeer, staging, success, July Revolution, July Monarchy, le Roi-Citoyen, Louis-Philippe, political metaphor


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Author Biography

Olga V. Zhestkova, The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music

PhD, associate professor of the Department of History of music



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28. Briffault E. L’Opéra. Paris: Ladvocat, 1834. 64 p.

29. Véron L. Mémoires d’un bourgeois de Paris: comprenant la fin de l’Empire, la Restauration, la Monarchie Juillet, la République jusqu’au rétablissement de l’Empire. Paris: Librairie nouvelle, 1857. T. 5. 391 р.

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1. Everist M. The name of the Rose: Meyerbeer’s opéra comique, Robert le Diable. Revue de Musicologie, 1994, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 211–250.

2. Le Journal des débats politiques et littéraires. Paris, 1827. 1 mai.

3. Le Journal de Paris. Paris, 1827. 19 Avril.

4. Meyerbeer G. Briefwechsel und Tagebücher. Herausgegeben von Heinz Becker. Band II: 1825–1836. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1970. 725 s.

5. Halévy F. Derniers souvenirs et portraits. Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1863. 415 p.

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9. Dumas A. Mes Mémoires. Neuvième série. Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1863. 320 p.

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11. Le Courrier des théâtres. Paris, 1831. 25 novembre.

12. Petrey S. Robert le Diable and Louis-Philippe the King. Reading critics reading: Opera and Ballet Criticism in France from the Revolution to 1848. Ed. by R. Parker, M. A. Smart. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 137–154.

13. Boigne Ch. de. Petits mémoire de l’Opéra. Paris: Librairie Nouvelle, 1857. 368 p.

14. Le Courrier des théâtres. Paris, 1831. 22 novembre.

15. Kahane M. Robert le Diable. Catalogue de l’exposition. Théâtre National de l’Opéra de Paris 20 juin — 20 septembre 1985. Paris, 1985. 107 p.

16. Fétis F. Première représentation de Robert le Diable. Revue Musicale, t. 5, 1831, 26 novembre, pp. 336–339.

17. D’Ortigue J. Le Balcon de l’Opéra. Paris: Renduel, 1833. 414 p.

18. Le Constitutionnel. Paris, 1831. 23 novembre

19. Scribe E., Delavigne G., Combaz Nathalie et alii. Meyerbeer: Robert le diable. Opéra et mythe. L’Avant scène opéra, opérette. Juin 1985. no. 76. 130 p.

20. La Gazette des théâtres. Paris, 1831, 24 novembre.

21. La Revue des deux mondes. Paris: Au Bureau, 1831, 29 novembre, t. 3–4. 748 p.

22. Le Courrier des théâtres. Paris, 1831, 23 novembre.

23. Fulcher J. The Nations Image: French Grand Opera as Politics and Politicized Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 280 p.

24. Scribe E., Delavigne G. Robert le Diable: opéra en cinq actes. Paris: Bezou, 1831. 52 p.

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27. Paris Archives nationale. F-Pan: P21 4633.

28. Briffault E. L’Opéra. Paris: Ladvocat, 1834. 64 p.

29. Véron L. Mémoires d’un bourgeois de Paris: comprenant la fin de l’Empire, la Restauration, la Monarchie Juillet, la République jusqu’au rétablissement de l’Empire. Paris: Librairie nouvelle, 1857, t. 5. 391 p.

30. Castil-Blaze F. Théâtres lyriques de Paris: l’académie impériale de musique, histoire, littéraire, musicale, choréografique, pittoresque, critique, facétieuse, politique et galante de ce théâtre de 1645 à 1855. Paris: Castil-Blaze, 1855, t. 2. 528 p.

31. Paris Archives nationale. F-Pan: AJ13201.



How to Cite

Zhestkova, O. V. . (2016). “Robert le Diable” as a political metaphor of July monarchy. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(2), 4–18. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu15.2016.201


