Around Leonardo da Vinci: Modernism, terror, dreams and metahistory


  • Anatolii V. Rykov Saint Petersburg State University


The paper concerns the issues of reception of Leonardo’s art in Modernist culture. The author investigates the (re)construction of Leonardo’s poetics in avant-garde art and theory. Special attention is paid to the theoretical issues of Cubism, Picasso’s and Duchamp’s personal mythologies, the writings of Walter Pater, Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Alexey Losev. Metahistorical interpretations of Leonardo’s art in the academic art history (Francastel, Argan, Chastel, Gombrich) are considered in the context of Modernist rhetoric tradition. The author examines different ways of appropriation of Leonardo’s art by the Modernist discourse from Nietzsche to Adorno, focusing on the main metaphors of avant-garde theory. Analysis of categories of Modernist aesthetics (concepts of seduction, aura, terror, uncertainty, nature, unconscious, pure vision, alienation, artificiality) enables to shed the new light on the transformation of Leonardo’s image in the Modern époque.


Leonardo da Vinci, issues of reception, Modernism, Marcel Duchamp, Picasso, Cubism


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Author Biography

Anatolii V. Rykov, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., PhD, professor



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1. Peiter U. Renessans. Ocherki iskusstva i poezii [The Renaissance. Studies in Art and Poetry]. Transl. by S. Zaimovsky. Moscow: BSG-PRESS Publ., 2006. 399 pp. (In Russian)

2. Rykov A. V. Iskusstvo modernizma: osnovnye printsipy [Modernist art: the main principles]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. 2011. Issue 4, pp. 51–57. (In Russian)

3. Rykov A. V. Problemy formy i materiala v sovremennom iskusstve [Issues of form and medium in Modern and Contemporary art]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. 2012. Issue 3, pp. 115–122. (In Russian)

4. Rykov A. V. Iskusstvo modernizma i ideia progressa [Modernist art and the idea of Progress]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. 2014. Issue 3, pp. 73–82. (In Russian)

5. Rykov A. V. Diskurs estetizma-totalitarizma. (K sotsiopoliticheskoi teorii avangarda) [Discourse of aestheticism-totalitarianism (Toward a sociopolitical theory of avant-garde)]. Aktual'nye problemy teorii i istorii iskusstva [Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art]: Sb. nauch. statei. Eds A. V. Zakharova, S. V. Mal'tseva. St. Petersburg: NP-Print Publ., 2014. Issue 4, pp. 381–391. (In Russian)

6. Losev A. F. Estetika Vozrozhdeniia. Istoricheskii smysl estetiki Vozrozhdeniia [Aesthetics Renaissance. Historical Meaning of Renaissance Aesthetics]. Moscow: Mysl' Publ., 1998. 750 pp. (In Russian)

7. Merezhkovskii D. S. Voskresshie bogi (Leonardo da Vinchi) [The Resurrection of the Gods (Leonardo da Vinci)]. Moscow: Panorama Publ., 1993. 576 pp. (In Russian)

8. Adorno T. V. Esteticheskaia teoriia [Aesthetic Theory]. Transl. by A. V. Dranov. Moscow: Respublika Publ., 2001. 527 pp. (In Russian)

9. Leonardo da Vinchi. O nauke i iskusstve [On Science and Art]. Transl. by A. A. Guber, V. P. Zubov, A. M. Efros. St. Petersburg: Amfora Publ., 2006. 414 pp. (In Russian)

10. Panofskii E. Etiudy po ikonologii: gumanisticheskie temy v iskusstve Vozrozhdeniia [Studies in Iconology. Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance]. Transl. by N. G. Lebedeva, N. A. Osminskaya. St. Petersburg: Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2009. 432 pp. (In Russian)

11. Shastel' A. Iskusstvo i gumanizm vo Florentsii vremen Lorentso Velikolepnogo. Ocherki ob iskusstve Renessansa i neoplatonicheskom gumanizme [Art and Humanism in Florence during the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Essays on the Art of the Renaissance and Neoplatonic Humanism]. Transl. by N. N. Zubkov. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Universitetskaia kniga Publ., 2001. 622 pp. (In Russian)

12. Sorel' Zh. Razmyshleniia o nasilii [Reflections on Violence]. Transl. by B. Skuratov, V. Friche. Moscow: Falanster Publ., 2013. 293 pp. (In Russian)

13. Rykov A. V. Skromnoe obaianie predatel'stva. Voprosy politiko-filosofskoi interpretatsii iskusstva Pikasso [The Discreet Charm of Betrayal. Issues of Politico-Philosophical Interpretation of Picasso’s Art]. Ispanskie temy i formy: iskusstvo, kul'tura i obshchestvo. Temas y formas hispanicas: arte, cultura y sociedad: Sb. tez. dokl. Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. St. Petersburg [Spanish Themes and Forms: Art, Culture and Society. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference], 2013, pp. 45–47. (In Russian)

14. Frankastel' P. Figura i mesto. Vizual'nyi poriadok v epokhu kvatrochento [Figure and place. The Visual Order of Quattrocento]. Transl. by A. V. Shestakov. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2005. 338 pp. (In Russian)

15. Gombrich E. H. Leonardo’s method for working out compositions. Gombrich E. H. Norm and Form. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance. London: Phaidon Press, 1966, pp. 58–63.

16. Damish Iu. Teoriia (oblaka). Nabrosok istorii zhivopisi [A Theory of (Cloud). Toward a History of Painting]. Transl. by A. V. Shestakov. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2003. 360 pp. (In Russian)

17. Argan Dzh. K. Istoriia ital'ianskogo iskusstva [History of Italian Art]. Transl. by G. P. Smirnov. Moscow: Raduga Publ., 2000. 533 pp. (In Russian)

18. Rykov A. V. Proiskhozhdenie i filosofskie osnovy sovremennogo iskusstva [The Origins and philosophical foundations of Modern and Contemporary art]. Part 1. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. Issue 2. 2009, pp. 287–294. (In Russian)

19. Rykov A. V. Proiskhozhdenie i filosofskie osnovy sovremennogo iskusstva [The Origins and philosophical foundations of Modern and Contemporary art]. Part 2. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. Issue 3. 2009, pp. 122–129. (In Russian)

20. Rykov A. V. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii i sushchnosti «sovremennogo iskusstva» [On the origin and “essence” of Modern and Contemporary art]. Iskusstvoznanie [Art History]. 2009, no. 1–2. Moscow, 2009, pp. 110–132. (In Russian)

21. Rykov A. V. Iskusstvo i krizis sovremennoi kul'tury [Art and the crisis of contemporary culture]. Observatoriia kul'tury: Zhurnal-obozrenie [“Observatory of Culture” Journal]. 2009, no. 3, pp. 44–52. (In Russian)

22. Rykov A. V. Ob istoricheskom znachenii tvorchestva Bottichelli: poniatie esteticheskoi formy [On the historical interpretation of Botticelli’s art: the concept of «aesthetic form»]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. Issue 2. 2010, pp. 115–122. (In Russian)

23. Rykov A. V. K voprosu ob istoricheskom znachenii iskusstva kvatrochento (Bottichelli i Manten'ia) [On the historical interpretation of Quattrocento art (Botticelli and Mantegna)]. Iskusstvoznanie [Art History]. 2010, no. 3–4, pp. 219–243. (In Russian)

24. Rykov A. V. K voprosu o stanovlenii modernistskoi paradigmy v iskusstve XIX v. [On the origins of Modernist paradigm in the art of the nineteenth century]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Series 2. History. Issue 3. 2013, pp. 123–132. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Rykov, A. V. . (2016). Around Leonardo da Vinci: Modernism, terror, dreams and metahistory. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(4), 98–108. Retrieved from



Interdisciplinary studies