The Sаint-Petersburg quarter: space and world


  • Elena I. Kozireva Saint Petersburg State University, Committee for city planning and architecture


The article presents arguments about the nature of urban planning and spatial phenomenon — St. Petersburg quarter. Dense arrays of quarters form the architectural “body” of historical districts of St. Petersburg. However, each quarter is a unique spatial environment based on a planning module and rules of morphology. The inner spaces of the quarters are a fantastically complex and varied part of the urban landscape, which is now the object of conservation and transformation. Analysis of the evolution of the St. Petersburg quarters reveals the relationship between the urban planning processes, architectural concepts, morphology and inner life of the microcells of the urban space. The structural similarity and architectural uniqueness, sustainability and the ability to develop embodied in the “genetic code” of the quarter is the basis of the genesis of the urban fabric and landscape, the preservation of identity in new contexts.


Saint-Petersburg, quarter, spase, structure, morphology, environment, architectural landscape, typology


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Author Biography

Elena I. Kozireva , Saint Petersburg State University, Committee for city planning and architecture

PhD, associate professor at the Saint Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of landscape architecture at the Committee for city planning and architecture



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How to Cite

Kozireva , E. I. (2015). The Sаint-Petersburg quarter: space and world. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(3), 44–65. Retrieved from


