Perception as the process of cognition in works of Ilka Gedő and Bruno Schulz: an experiment in hermeneutic study


  • Alina V. Shcheglova Saint Petersburg State University


For the first time in Russian language the article analyses the art of Hungarian artist Ilka Gedő (1921–1985). The study has been conducted by the method of philosophical hermeneutics and is an attempt to come closer to understanding Gedő’s pieces of art by means of revealing the matter that had shaped her artistic world outlook. The main text taken as a basis for the interpretation is the prose of Polish writer Bruno Schulz (1892–1942). This approach is justified not only by the figurative similarity between the works under consideration (that was firstly noticed from another point of view by Istvan Hajdu in his monograph “The Art of Ilka Gedő”), but also by the common context, namely, the dialogical philosophy of Martin Buber that influenced on the both artists’ world outlooks. The article deals with such issues as interpretation of matter, time, and reality in the art space of Gedő’s and Schulz’s works.


Ilka Gedő, Bruno Schulz, Martin Buber, hermeneutics, dialogical philosophy, art, matter, time, artistic outlook


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Author Biography

Alina V. Shcheglova, Saint Petersburg State University

Bachelor degree. Faculty of Liberal arts and sciences



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How to Cite

Shcheglova, A. V. (2015). Perception as the process of cognition in works of Ilka Gedő and Bruno Schulz: an experiment in hermeneutic study. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 101–112. Retrieved from



Visual arts