Organ works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: ecclesial or secular works?


  • Ekaterina I. Porizko Saint Petersburg State University; Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg


This article explores an issue about to what extent we can speak about Organ Sonatas Op.65 as ecclesial or as secular works. Dealing with this issue we have encountered different points of view of Russian and foreign musicologists. In this article we also enlighten some details of composer’s life which let us consider his organ works not only as secular ones, but also as sacred music. It can be confirmed by analyzing some variants of using Lutheran choral as well as by comparison between organ sonatas with tradition sonata da camera and sonata da chiesa.


Mendelssohn, organ, sonata, fugue, chorale, sonata da chiesa


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Author Biography

Ekaterina I. Porizko, Saint Petersburg State University; Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Student of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University; teacher at the Children's Art School in the Krasnoselsky district of Saint Petersburg



1. Hathaway J. W. G. An analysis of Mendelssohn`s organ work: a study of their structural features. London: Wm Reeves 83, 1898. 190 р.

2. Ritchie George H., Stauffer George B. Organ technique. Modern and Early. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 382 p.

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17. Поризко Е. И. К особенностям использования хорала и фуги в органной сонате Феликса Мендельсона-Бартольди Ор.65 №6 d-moll // Вестник С.-Петерб ун-та. 2011. Сер. 15, вып. 1. С. 32–40.

18. E. E. L. K. Kiriku Laulu- ja Palveraamat. Toronto (Canada); Pieksämäki (Finland), 1991. 780 s.

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21. Сборник песнопений Евангелическо-лютеранской Церкви. СПб.: Евангелическо-лютеранская Церковь, 2009. 502 c.

22. Сборник гимнов евангелическо-лютеранской Церкви. СПб.: Андреев и согласие, 1994. 336 c.

23. Dziesmu grãmata latviešiem tẽvzemẽ un svešumã. [S. l.]: Latviešu Evanģēliski Luteriskā Baznīca Amerikā (LELBA), 1992. 951 s.

24. McGrath A. E. Christian theology: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Oxford (UK); Cambridge (USA), 1998. 510 p.

25. Walker W. A history of the Christian church. New York: Charles Scribner’s sons, 1959. 700 p.

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28. Bergendoff C. The Church of the Lutheran Reformation: a Historical Survey of Lutheranism. Saint Louis: Concordia publishing house, 1967. 340 p.

29. Насонова М. Л., Насонов Р. А. Германия // Православная энциклопедия. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.02.12).


1. Hathaway J. W. G. An analysis of Mendelssohn`s organ work: a study of their structural features. London: Wm Reeves 83, 1898. 190 r.

2. Ritchie George H., Stauffer George B. Organ technique. Modern and Early. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 382 p.

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5. Bachinin V. A. Vvedenie v khristianskuiu estetiku. SPb.: Bibliia dlia vsekh, 2005. 376 s.

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7. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy F. Letters from 1833 to 1847, translated by Lady Wallace. London: Langman, Green, Longman, Robert, & Green, 1863. 468 p.

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9. Hartmut R. Felix Mendelssohn Barhtoldy als Protestant, Hamburger Mendelssohn-Vorträge: Sammel Beitrag. Hamburg: Christians, 2003. S. 61–81.

10. Boichenko Ia. I. O liuteranakh v Rossii, Nizhnem Novgorode i ne tol'ko… Nizhnii Novgorod: «Povolzh'e», 2007. 578 s.

11. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy F. Complete organ works: in five vols; ed. by Wm. A. Little. Vol. I. London; Sevenoaks: Novello, 1989. 121 p.

12. Porizko E. I. Organnoe tvorchestvo F. Mendel'sona-Bartol'di: tserkovnye ili sekuliarnye kompozitsii? Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. 2013. Ser. 15, vyp. 2. p. 15–23.

13. Ieger" O. Istoriia novѣishago vremeni: v 4 kn. Kniga chetvertaia: Restavratsiia i iiul'skoe korolevstvo (1815–1848). SPb.: izdanie A. F. Marksa, 1894. S. 323–443.

14. Heim M. Kirchengeschichte in Daten. München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2006. 192 S.

15. Evangelisches Kirchen Gesangbuch. Hamburg: FriedrichWittig Verlag, 1989. [XXXXII + 998 (bez paginatsii) + 192 s.]

16. Clostermann A. Mendelssohn Bartholdys kirchenmusikalisches Schaffen. Neue Untersuchungen zu Geschichte, Form und Inhalt. Mainz; London; New York: Schott, 1989. 232 S.

17. Porizko E. I. K osobennostiam ispol'zovaniia khorala i fugi v organnoi sonate Feliksa Mendel'sona-Bartol'di Or.65 №6 d-moll, Vestnik S.-Peterb un-ta. 2011. Ser. 15, vyp. 1. S. 32–40.

18. E. E. L. K. Kiriku Laulu- ja Palveraamat. Toronto (Canada); Pieksämäki (Finland), 1991. 780 s.

19. Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon. Virsikirja. Kustannus-osakeyhtiö kotimaa kirjapaja [S. l.], 1987. 861 s.

20. Siionin kannel. Zksiääninen nuottipainos. Pieksämäki: Eley kirjat, 1990. 584 s.

21. Sbornik pesnopenii Evangelichesko-liuteranskoi Tserkvi. SPb.: Evangelichesko-liuteranskaia Tserkov', 2009. 502 c.

22. Sbornik gimnov evangelichesko-liuteranskoi Tserkvi. SPb.: Andreev i soglasie, 1994. 336 c.

23. Dziesmu grãmata latviešiem tẽvzemẽ un svešumã. [S. l.]: Latviešu Evanģēliski Luteriskā Baznīca Amerikā (LELBA), 1992. 951 s.

24. McGrath A. E. Christian theology: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Oxford (UK); Cambridge (USA), 1998. 510 p.

25. Walker W. A history of the Christian church. New York: Charles Scribner’s sons, 1959. 700 p.

26. Khegglund B. Istoriia teologii. SPb.: Svetoch, 2001. 370 pp.

27. Rid L. D. Liuteranskaia liturgiia. Duncanville: World Wide Printing, 2003. 638 c.

28. Bergendoff C. The Church of the Lutheran Reformation: a Historical Survey of Lutheranism. Saint Louis: Concordia publishing house, 1967. 340 p.

29. Nasonova M. L., Nasonov R. A. Germaniia, Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia. — URL: (accessed: 01.02.12).



How to Cite

Porizko, E. I. . (2013). Organ works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: ecclesial or secular works?. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 15–23. Retrieved from


