Landscape in the works by А. Plastov in pre-war period


  • Inga I. Filippova The State Russian Museum; Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture


The most important part of genre paintings, created by A. Plastov for the major exhibitions in 1930s, is the landscape. It is the basis of almost all of the paintings by the artist, which determines the mood and image of the picture. The unity of emotional state of the characters and landscape is a dominant feature of the artist’s works. Plastov is close to M. Sholokhov in his perception of nature. He sensitively perceives beauty of the primordial of the world and the divine presence in it. Seasons — spring, summer, autumn — are the same characters of the artist’s paintings as his fellow-villagers. The poetry of the ordinary, mundane, unpretentious species was deeply experienced by the artist and passed to the viewers. We have already noted the importance of the landscape as an element of the composition of his works, but at the same time for Plastov landscape does not exist without genre component. Plastov remains a narrator in painting during all his life. Without the presence of a man this infinite space, which filled with the vital energy, would be meaningless because only a man can realize the greatness of the Creator and feels himself as a part of this creation.


Plastov, landscape, painting, composition, genre painting, Sholokhov


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Author Biography

Inga I. Filippova, The State Russian Museum; Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

Director of the Department at the State Russian Museum, graduate student of the Department of Russian Art at the Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture



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How to Cite

Filippova, I. I. . (2013). Landscape in the works by А. Plastov in pre-war period. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 172–178. Retrieved from



Visual arts