Concept of Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art of St. Petersburg State University in the light of the past and present of the future. Purposes and tasks of the first Russian University Museum of Modern Art. Experience of the teacher and the director


  • Tatiana S. Yurieva Saint Petersburg State University


The article focuses on the analysis of setting up Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art in 2008 in St. Petersburg State University (on the basis of the collection of Diaghilev Center of Arts in 1990). The museum of a new type which has a special program of mutual work of students and teachers is described in the article by its director, an author of development concept, professor of department of interdisciplinary research and practices in field of art of Federal Penitentiary Service, Yuryeva Tatiana from contemporary approaches and her own positions. Museum collection is a small model of the world which helps to orient oneself and adjust to reality, sort out not only scientific problems but moral ones, too. It is important to understand the level of museum integration into student community. Life of Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art is about the present but is always directed to the future. Up to the present moment, Russian researchers paid attention mostly to separate aspects of museum practice. Taking into consideration the fact that this museum of Modern Art is the only one in Russia as it has not only status of university and academic museum, but also has a growing collection of modern art due to position of university and founders of the museum, we can admit that its experience as well as its perspectives are significant not only for development of the museum, not only for analysis of condition of current Russian and foreign art but, first of all, for understanding the very socio-cultural situation we are experiencing. The museum is considered to be a unique place for experiment and research of some results on the basis not only expositional materials but also conferences regularly held by the museum and faculties in the University, at first, with the faculty of philology and arts, and then due to appearance of new faculties, with the faculty of free arts and sciences. During its development period there were more difficult moments, than positive ones. It was established less than 5 years than it could be but much more than others could do in conditions of total absence of sources for museum development. I must give the right to the young ones to realize themselves. Let their creativity be in different sciences, it’s important to hear their pulse, understand their hurt, nature of their ambitions, their initial wish to have the future they need. To overcome the birth of the new inside the old is the task for the whole university. I have my own programs both in old stages and in future ones. Projects of intellectual communication through art should be realized due to famous scientists of all generation. Science no matter if it’s mathematics or philology is art too. This is the topic we are going to speak about.


Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art, university museum collection, Diaghilev Centre of Art, Baltic Biennale, students youth, educational and outreach programs, exhibitions of contemporary art, art movement


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Author Biography

Tatiana S. Yurieva, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., professor of the Department of Interdisciplinary studies and practices in the field of arts of the Faculty of Liberal arts and sciences



How to Cite

Yurieva, T. S. (2013). Concept of Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art of St. Petersburg State University in the light of the past and present of the future. Purposes and tasks of the first Russian University Museum of Modern Art. Experience of the teacher and the director. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(4), 192–204. Retrieved from


