Feature of literature is a feature of performance (in a context of theatrical pedagogics)


  • Elena V. Vanovskaya Saint Petersburg State University; Saint Petersburg University of Humanities


The article considers the aspects leading to development of uniform criteria in an assessment of quality of reciting literature performed by the students who are training in “The actor of drama theater and cinema” program. In teaching Scenic speech and Scenic speech at drama theater and cinema attention is paid to specific features of different types, genres and kinds of literature: journalism, descriptive prose, the poetic epics, fairy tales, lyrico-epic works, lyrics, monologues from dramatic art, art prose. The technique of the analysis of a form, lexical and stylistic means of expressiveness (tropes and stylistic figures), syntactic features of the author’s original which defines a manner of the performer and a measure of his communication with the audience is shown on concrete examples from literary works. Quotes from great teachers and masters of theater support the offered working methods over sounding literature. Penetration into language fabric of work, keenness development to stylistic shades promotes creation of a full-fledged image of the story-teller in art of the art word, as to the spokesman of an author’s voice.


uniform criteria, assessment, sounding literature, scenic speech, features of literature, analysis technique, lexicon, punctuation, manner of the performer, communication measure, statements, image of the storyteller, spokesman of an author’s voice


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Author Biography

Elena V. Vanovskaya, Saint Petersburg State University; Saint Petersburg University of Humanities

associate professor, honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation, honored worker of higher professional education, member of the Union of Theatrical Figures



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How to Cite

Vanovskaya, E. V. (2014). Feature of literature is a feature of performance (in a context of theatrical pedagogics). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(3), 5–15. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/4506


