“Kolomna Island”: morphology of a place


  • Elena I. Kozireva Saint Petersburg State University, Committee for city planning and architecture


The article is dedicated to the analysis of structure and life of urban environment of one of oldest parts of St.Petersburg — Kolomna. The author proposes the new view on the history, past and future of the unique district situated on Pokrovsky Island. The article includes five parts: “Place”, “Ways”, “Boundary”, “Structure”, “Places”. These basic categories allow to reveal features of evolution and singularity of environment in such characteristics as interaction of space and time, natural context and urban planning, architectural landscape and traditions. In the basis of research are famous historical plans, the projects of reconstruction, the results of analysis of contemporary architectural, spatial, functional, landscape structure of this part of the city. Such properties of the Kolomna phenomenon as its integrity, geometrical plan and water landscape, density of architectural masses and unique system of open spaces, traditions and new tendencies of the city life are important factors of the urban development.


St.Petersburg, Kolomna, space, city environment, landscape, structure, historical plans


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Author Biography

Elena I. Kozireva, Saint Petersburg State University, Committee for city planning and architecture

PhD, associate professor at the Saint Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of landscape architecture at the Committee for city planning and architecture



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2. Лукомский Г. К. Старый Петербург. Прогулки по старинным кварталам столицы. СПб., 2002. 176 с.

3. Беляева Г. И. Прогулки по старой Коломне. М.: Центрполиграф, 2009. 492 c.

4. Бенуа А. Живописный Петербург // Мир искусства. 1902. Т. 7. № 1. С. 1–5.


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How to Cite

Kozireva, E. I. . (2014). “Kolomna Island”: morphology of a place. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(3), 138–149. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/4517


