Film vertical time and dynamics forming


  • Natalia E. Marievskaya Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography


Time arrangement matter inside a human being’s soul brings unavoidably to the complicated idea of vertical structure, for a person’s reflection is not presented as single-dimensional impression of what once has been seen, a mere “mould” of physical reality. It itself presents a complicated time form. Reflected images of current and past lay onto each other making a multi-dimentional structure. The recalling process itself causes complicated dynamics between past and current attitudes. Various versions of character’s time point of view introduction have been investigated through the article given. Character’s time point of view of plot-making significance has been found. If recalling reflection ties current and past with going through time layers, dream is a soul impulse towards truth, towards unlimited independence. The article investigates special dynamics linked to dreams’ introduction into cinematographic work structure. Dramaturgical power for placing dream reality inside a film is determined with the fact that dream is presented in seen images of hidden things, the ones a person keeps back from himself or herself. Dream keeps a person away from time to achieve truth. Research was carried out to demonstrate that film vertical time entirely reveals its aesthetic and artistic power through dynamics realization for self-learning soul.


formation, artistic time, vertical time, the theory of drama, plot, theoretical poetics, recalling reflection, recalling process dream


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Author Biography

Natalia E. Marievskaya, Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography

PhD, Associate Professor, screenwriter



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How to Cite

Marievskaya, N. E. . (2014). Film vertical time and dynamics forming. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(4), 40–49. Retrieved from


