The Cyborg as a Creation of Art (on the problem of human extension)


  • Olga I. Shustrova Saint Petersburg State University


The human beings have always been dreaming about their physical and psychical extensions. While the scientists are worried about eliminating the human’s physical drawbacks, replacing organs by artificial details, which embody and sometimes even exceed human’s possibilities, the artists are mainly concerned with the artistic side of this process. As a result of interaction between human beings and machines it is sometimes difficult to identify the source of fantasy: is it in the artist’s technologic mind or in spiritualized computer’s “brain”.


cyborg, the extensions of man, virtual reality, art of new technologies


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Author Biography

Olga I. Shustrova, Saint Petersburg State University




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How to Cite

Shustrova, O. I. (2011). The Cyborg as a Creation of Art (on the problem of human extension). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(1), 110–115. Retrieved from



Interdisciplinary studies