The German Baroque Solo Organ Sonata in the Work of Theophilus Andreas Volckmar




The article draws a new, and not well-known figure, into the sphere of scientific interest for the Russian-speaking and European researcher and organist. This figure is a German author who developed his musical talent as a composer and a performer in the multinational and culturally developed Prussian-Polish city of Gdànsk-Danzig. The German Solo organ Baroque sonata and its individual interpretation in the works of Т. А. Volckmar (1686–1768) becomes the center of scientific “attraction”. The article is not about the clavier, but rather about proper organ sonata, which is reflected in the title of the compositions.‘Six Sonatas for the Organ’ by T. A. Volckmar, edited by K. Beckmann and published by SCHOTT company in 2009, provides a vivid and complete picture of the specifics of this genre, which is considered from the standpoint of the special conditions of musical, including organ culture, in the free Hanseatic Gdansk. There, the rooted organ traditions go back to the Dutchman J. Sweelinck and are interpreted in the works of brilliant masters, who were in the history of musical art traditionally united in the North German baroque organ school — D. Buxtehude, V. Lübeck, N. Bruhns and other authors representing this era and region.The many-sided cultural life of Gdànsk, which integrated a variety of musical, and not only organ, sources was reflected in the organ sonatas of T. A. Volckmar. Italian concerto grosso, North German toccata, and fantasy “in an echo manner” is a talented synthesis, multiplied by expression, improvisational freedom of stylus phantasticus, and the composing excitement of T. A. Volckmar. This allows the works of the Danzig master to be defined as original, artistically bright, and concert-virtuoso samples of the German Solo Organ Sonata of the Baroque era.


Theophilus Andreas Volckmar, German solo organ sonata, baroque, North German organ school, stylus phantasticus


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Author Biography

Tatiana R. Bochkova, Nizhny Novgorod State Academy of Music named after M. Glinka

PhD, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Music History and the Organ and Harpsichord Section



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Нотные издания

I. Beckmann, Klaus, Hrsg. Theophile Andreas Volckmar. Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Meister der norddeutschen Orgelschule. Mainz: Schott, 2009, Bd. 18.

II. Stein, Fritz, und Martin Geck, Hrsg. Bruhns, Nicolaus: Orgelwerke. London; New York: C. F. Peters, 1990.


1. Freeman, Daniel E. “Lodovico Giustini and the Emergence of the Keyboard Sonata in Italy”. Anuario Musical, no. 58 (2003): 111–38. Accessed March 21, 2019.

2. Bocharov, Yuri. Baroque Instrumental Music Genres. Moscow: Nauchno-izdatel’skii tsentr “Moskovskaia konservatoriia” Publ., 2016. (In Russian)

3. Bocharov, Yuri. “To the Question of Genre Names of Instrumental Compositions of the 17th — the first half of the 18th Century”. Starinnaia muzyka, no. 2/72 (2016): 5–10. (In Russian)

4. Druskin, Mikhail. Complete Works. Ed. and comp. by Liudmila Kovnatskaia et al. 7 vols. St. Petersburg: Kompozitor Publ., 2007, vol. 1: Klavirnaia muzyka Ispanii, Niderlandov, Frantsii, Italii i Germanii XVI–XVIII vekov. (In Russian)

5. Silbiger, Alexander. Keyboard Music Before 1700. 2nd ed. New York; London: Routledge, 2004.

6. Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1965.

7. Ostroumova, Nataliia. Johann Kunau. The Life and Work of the Baroque Musician. Moscow: Literaturnoe agentstvo “Prest” Publ., 2003. (In Russian)

8. Schweitzer, Albert. Johann Sebastian Bach. Rus. ed. Transl. by Iakov Druskin, Khristina Strekalovskaia. Moscow: Klassika–XXI Publ., 2002. (In Russian)

9. Williams, Peter. The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

10. Forkel, Johann. About the Life, Art and Works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Rus. ed. Transl. by Valerii Erochin. Moscow: Klassika–XXI Publ., 2018. (In Russian)

11. Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 29 vols. 2nd ed. London: Grove, 2001.

12. Finscher, Ludwig, Hrsg. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 29 Bd. 2. Aufl. Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag; Stuttgart: J.-B.-Metzler-Verlag, 2008.

13. Beckmann, Klaus. “Introduction”. In Theophile Andreas Volckmar. Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Meister der norddeutschen Orgelschule, Hrsg. Klaus Beckmann, Bd. 18: 4–5. Mainz: Schott, 2009.

14. “Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre”. Wikipedia. Accessed January 31, 2019.ńsk_Shakespeare_Theatre.

15. Szlagowska, Danuta. “Seventeenth-Century Gdansk Instrumental Music Sources”. Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, no. 11 (2012): 123–39. Accessed February 21, 2019.

16. Popinigis, Danuta. “From Gdańsk to Kromiěříž or, the Story of Heinrich Döbel and His Music for the Violin”. Musicology Today 3 (2006): 5–21. Accessed January 31, 2019.

17. Barone, Michael. Historic Organs of Poland. S. l.: American Public Media, 2015. Accessed April 24, 2019.

18. Panov, Aleksei. Terminology and Registration in the German Organ Art of Baroque and Gallant Mannerism. Kazan’: Kazanskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia Publ., 2003. (In Russian)

19. Rauschning, Hermann. Geschichte der Musik und Musikpflege in Danzig. Danzig: Danziger Verlags-Gesellschaft, 1931.

20. Organ Landscape Gdansk and West Prussia. Jan Janca (organ). Recorded 1986. MDG, MDG 3190274-2, 2010, compact disc. Liner notes by Norbert Linke.

21. Boyd, Malcolm. Bach. 3rd ed. Oxford, MS: Oxford University Press. 2000.

22. “Theophilus Andreas Volckmar”. Accessed February 01, 2019.

23. Eskina, Natal’ia. Buxtehude and German Baroque. Science ed. N. Olesova. Samara: Samarskii universitet Publ., 1992. (In Russian)

24. Lobanova, Marina. Western European Baroque: Problems of Aesthetics and Poetics. Moscow: Muzyka Publ., 1994. (In Russian)

25. Moskovskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia im. P. I. Chaikovskogo. From the History of World Organ Culture of the 16th — 20th Centuries. Ed. by Marina Voinova and Evgeniia Krivitskaia. 2nd ed. Moscow: Muzizdat Publ., 2008. (In Russian)

26. Jones, Richard D. P. “His Superior Ideas are the Consequences of Those Inferior Ones: Influence and Independence in Bach’s Early Creative Development”. Understanding Bach 3 (2008): 31–8.

27. Snyder, Kerala J. Dieterich Buxtehude: Organist in Lübeck. New York; London: Garland, 1987.

28. Vasil’eva, Anastasiia. “Folk Historical and Cultural Basis of Polish Dance”. Vestnik Akademii Russkogo baleta, no. 1/21 (2009): 113–31. (In Russian)

29. “Theophil Andreas Volckmar”. Wikipedia. Accessed February 17, 2019.

Music Editions

I. Beckmann, Klaus, Hrsg. Theophile Andreas Volckmar. Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Meister der norddeutschen Orgelschule. Mainz: Schott, 2009, Bd. 18.

II. Stein, Fritz, und Martin Geck, Hrsg. Bruhns, Nicolaus: Orgelwerke. London; New York: C. F. Peters, 1990.



How to Cite

Bochkova, T. R. (2020). The German Baroque Solo Organ Sonata in the Work of Theophilus Andreas Volckmar. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 10(3), 380–397.


