Curatorial Strategies in Saint-Petersburg Contemporary Art. Some Examples




Contemporary art within the last thirty years has developed new types and forms of representation. This process was strongly supported by the emergence of the institution of independent curatorship. The phenomenon of an independent curator of the actual art scene has been determined by certain circumstances. The first is, if not paradoxical, a poorly structured market for contemporary art. This makes it possible for curatorial initiatives to have greater maneuverability. Secondly, the flexibility of the cultural field in St. Petersburg, without a hierarchical framework, has allowed artists to vary the ‘palette’ depending on the concept of a project. And finally, the social status of the curator, not as a person of a certain profession, but as a kind of activity corresponding to the role of a free agent, or according to Harald Zeeman, “Gastarbeiter of spirit”. Apart from the galleries with definite commercial goals, there are many public spaces for the realization of curators’ projects. Moreover, there still exists a living tradition of consolidated artistic groups, totally prepared for representation of their activities. Aesthetic preferences, types of creativity, and forms of artistic activity are embodied in the choice of certain curatorial strategies. The artists themselves can work as curators, thus combining several functions. Recently, a new generation of curators has appeared in St. Petersburg who actively promote local art on the international scene. Having emerged in the 1990s, the institution of curatorship has not yet become a subject of comprehensive scientific research. Meanwhile, the very existence of art itself to a great extent depends on its representation shaped by curators’ artistic will.


curatorial strategies, independent curator, Saint-Petersburg contemporary art, neo-academism, representation forms


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Author Biography

Gleb Yu. Ershov, Saint Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Practices in the Field of Arts of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences



1. Котломанов, Александр. “Тимур Новиков и ‘нулевые’. Петербургское современное искусство в поисках идентичности”. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 15. Искусствоведение 2, no. 2 (2012): 173–83.

2. Чечот, Иван, сост. “Западно-восточный диван”. Новиков — Чечот: каталог выставки. СПб.: Navicula Artis, 1993.

3. Андреева, Екатерина. Тимур. “Врать только правду!”. СПб.: Амфора, 2007. (Артефакт).

4. Институт истории современного искусства. Тимур Новиков. Иосиф Бродский. Горизонты: сборник материалов к выставке. СПб.: б. и., 2000.

5. Штоф, О., Л. Гуревич, А. Басин и Е. Андреева. Ленинградский андеграунд. Начало: каталог выставки. Л.: Ленинградская галерея, 1990.

6. Андреева, Екатерина. Художники Газа-невской культуры. Альбом. Л.: Художник РСФСР, 1990. (Современный ленинградский авангард).

7. Колдобская, Марина. Новый петербургский экспрессионизм. СПб.: Музей нонконформизма, 2000.

8. Флоренский, Александр, и Дмитрий Шагин, сост. Митьки. Архетипы: каталог выставки. СПб.: б. и., 2002.

9. Азархи, София. Модные люди. СПб.: Изд. Ивана Лимбаха, 2012.

10. Хлобыстин, Андрей. Шизореволюция. Очерки петербургской культуры второй половины ХХ века. СПб.: Borey Art Center, 2017.

11. Ершов, Глеб, Павел Герасименко, и Сергей Хачатуров. Navicula Artis. Найдено в Петербурге: каталог выставки. СПб.: б. и., 2013.

12. Ершов, Глеб, и Станислав Савицкий, сост. Прогулки за искусством: Ленинград — Москва — Свердловск. СПб.: Левша, 2008.

13. Карасик, Михаил, и Глеб Ершов. “Театр бумаг”. Экспериментальная книга художника и поэта: каталог выставки. Сост. Галина Носова, Глеб Ершов. СПб.: Музей Анны Ахматовой в Фонтанном Доме, 1992.

14. Носова, Галина, сост. “Театр бумаг — 2”. Книга художника: каталог выставки. СПб.: АО “Аполлон”, 1994.

15. Музей Анны Ахматовой в Фонтанном Доме. Хармсиздат представляет: сборник материалов. Ред. Валерий Сажин. СПб.: Арсис, 1995.

16. Ершов, Глеб. Александр Цикаришвили. Неудобная “Р”: каталог выставки. СПб.: Name gallery, 2018.

17. Савицкий, Станислав. Север-7. Седьмая часть мира: каталог выставки. СПб.: Name gallery, 2017.

18. Лернер, Лера, Татьяна Шишова, и Лилия Воронкова. Если твой утюг сломался: каталог выставки. СПб.: б. и., 2019.

19. Дашевский, Александр, и Марина Колдобская. “ЧБ”. Галерея “Модернариат”: каталог выставки. СПб.: Modernariat Gallery, 2010.

20. Государственный центр современного искусства, и др. Картина после живописи: к выставке в научно-исследовательском музее Российской академии художеств, 27 ноября 2015 — 17 января 2016. Подгот. Елена Губанова и Асия Осина. СПб.: Государственный центр современного искусства, Северо-Западный филиал, 2015. (Современное искусство Санкт-Петербурга).

21. Козин, Владимир, Юрий Никифоров, и Керим Рагимов. PARAZIT. Чёрная зависть: каталог выставки. СПб.: Borey Art Gallery, 2014.

22. Хрусталев, Кирилл. In Situ. СПб.: “Невский ракурс”, 2011.

23. Александров, Юрий, и Анатолий Барзах, сост. Русский комикс: сборник статей. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2010.

24. Александров, Юрий, и Анатолий Барзах, сост. Ленинградская школа: сборник статей. СПб.: Anna Nova, 2013.

25. О’Нил, Пол. Культура кураторства и кураторство культуры. Пер. Александр Боровиков. М.: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2016.

26. Мизиано, Виктор. Пять лекций о кураторстве. М.: Ад Маргинем Пресс, 2014.


1. Kotlomanov, Aleksandr. “Timur Novikov and the Zero Years. St. Petersburg Contemporary Art in its Search of Identity. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriia 15. Iskusstvovedenie 2, no. 2 (2012): 173–83. (In Russian)

2. Chechot, Ivan, comp. “West–Eastern Diwan”. Novikov — Chechot: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: Navicula Artis Publ., 1993. (In Russian)

3. Andreeva, Ekaterina. Timur “Lie Only the Truth!”. St. Petersburg: Amfora Publ., 2007 (Artefakt). (In Russian)

4. Institut istorii sovremennogo iskusstva. Timur Novikov. Joseph Brodsky. Horizons: Collection of Materials for the Exhibition. St. Petersburg: s. n., 2000. (In Russian)

5. Shtof, O., L. Gurevich, A. Basin, and E. Andreeva. Leningrad Underground. The Beginning: Exhibition Catalog. Leningrad: Leningradskaia galereia Publ., 1990. (In Russian)

6. Andreeva, Ekaterina. Artists of the Gaza-Nevsky Culture. Album. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR Publ., 1990. (Sovremennyi leningradskii avangard). (In Russian)

7. Koldobskaya, Marina. New Petersburg Expressionism. St. Petersburg: Muzei nonkonformizma Publ., 2000. (In Russian)

8. Florenskii, Aleksandr, and Dmitrii Shagin, comp. Mit’ki. Archetypes: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: s. n., 2002. (In Russian)

9. Azarkhi, Sofiia. Fashion People. St. Petersburg: Izd. Ivana Limbakha Publ., 2012. (In Russian)

10. Khlobystin, Andrei. Schizorevolution. Essays on the St. Petersburg Culture of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. St. Petersburg: Borey Art Center Publ., 2017. (In Russian)

11. Ershov, Gleb, Pavel Gerasimenko, and Sergei Khachaturov. Navicula Artis. Found in St. Petersburg: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: s. n., 2013. (In Russian)

12. Ershov, Gleb, and Stanislav Savitskii, comp. Walking for Art: Leningrad — Moscow — Sverdlovsk. St. Petersburg: Levsha Publ., 2008. (In Russian)

13. Karasik, Mikhail, and Gleb Ershov. “Theater of Papers”. Experimental Book of the Artist and Poet: Exhibition Catalog. Comp. Galina Nosova, Gleb Ershov. St. Petersburg: Muzei Anny Akhmatovoi v Fontannom Dome Publ., 1992. (In Russian)

14. Nosova, Galina, comp. “Theater of Papers — 2”. Book of the Artist: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: AO “Apollon” Publ., 1994. (In Russian)

15. Muzei Anny Akhmatovoi v Fontannom Dome. Harmsizdat Presents. Collection of Materials. Ed. by Valerii Sazhin. St. Petersburg: Arsis Publ., 1995. (In Russian)

16. Ershov, Gleb. Alexander Tsikarishvili. Inconvenient “R”: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: Name gallery Publ, 2018. (In Russian)

17. Savitskii, Stanislav. The Seventh Part of the World: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: Name gallery Publ., 2017. (In Russian)

18. Lerner, Lera, Tatiana Shishova, and Liliia Voronkova. If your Iron Got Broken: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: [s. n.], 2019. (In Russian)

19. Dashevskii, Aleksandr, and Marina Koldovskaia. “ChB”. Galereia “Modernariat”: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: Modernariat Gallery Publ., 2010. (In Russian)

20. Gosudarstvennyi tsentr sovremennogo iskusstva, et al. Painting after Painting: By the Exibition at the Research museum at the Russian Academy of Arts, November 27, 2015 — January 17, 2016. Prepared by Elena Gubanova and Asiia Osina. St. Petersburg: Gosudarstvennyi tsentr sovremennogo iskusstva, Severo-Zapadnyi filial, Publ., 2015. (In Russian)

21. Kozin, Vladimir, Iurii Nikiforov, and Kerim Ragimov. PARAZIT. Black Envy: Exhibition Catalog. St. Petersburg: Borey Art Gallery Publ., 2014. (In Russian)

22. Khrustalev, Kirill. In Situ. St. Petersburg: “Nevskii rakurs” Publ., 2011. (In Russian)

23. Aleksandrov, Iurii, and Anatolii Barzakh, comp. Russian Comic Book: Collection of Materials. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2010. (In Russian)

24. Aleksandrov, Iurii, and Anatolii Barzakh, comp. Leningrad School: Collection of Materials. St. Petersburg: Anna Nova Publ., 2013. (In Russian)

25. O’Nil, Pol. The Culture of Curating and Curating of Culture(s). Rus. ed. Transl. by. Aleksandr Borovikov. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press, 2016. (In Russian)

26. Miziano, Viktor. Five Lectures on Supervision. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press, 2014. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Ershov, G. Y. . (2020). Curatorial Strategies in Saint-Petersburg Contemporary Art. Some Examples. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 10(3), 419–434.



Visual arts