Composition “About You happy” in the liturgical context of the Yaroslavl and Rostov temples altar paintings of the second half of 17 century


  • Alexandra V. Vasiljeva The State Russian Museum


The article deals with the problem of altar sets featuring the temples of the Upper Volga region in the second half of 17th century. So far this topic has not gained researchers` attention, whose main concern is primarily the analysis of altar paintings of the earlier period (11th–16th centuries). This study aims to find out what was associated with and what was the ideological recomprehension of the composition “About You happy”, well-known in the iconography and fresco paintings from the end of the 15th century, in the liturgical context of altar paintings in Yaroslavl and Rostov temples of the second half of 17th century. The conclusions drawn from the research allow to take a fresh look at the altar iconographic program of the late paintings of the 17th century, which by its inherent theological
foundations reveals many similarities with the system of early paintings of ancient temples’ altars.


liturgy, fresco, Yaroslavl, Rostov, “About You happy”


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Author Biography

Alexandra V. Vasiljeva, The State Russian Museum




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How to Cite

Vasiljeva, A. V. (2011). Composition “About You happy” in the liturgical context of the Yaroslavl and Rostov temples altar paintings of the second half of 17 century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 1(4), 97–105. Retrieved from



Visual arts