Triumphal prints (gravures) dating back to the beginning of Peter the Great’s reforms


  • Leonid D. Raigorodski Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum


The end of 17th — early 18th century saw the rapid development of the art of making prints in Russia. A print as a product of mass replication became a powerful tool of propaganda of the reforms introduced by Peter the Great. The article addresses the origins and further development of a special kind of the art — a triumphal print. The article contains an in-depth analysis of the earliest print of this type put on a frontispiece of the Kiev Pechersk Paterik, published in 1702. The print depicts the first victories of Peter the Great at Azov and Kizikermen in 1696 and foreseen victories in the Northern War. The article examines a triumphal frontispiece print of a book by I. Turuboiskii “Politikolepnaya apotheosis” published in 1709, glorifying the events of 1702 and repeating the key compositional elements of the frontispiece from the Paterik.


reforms of Peter the Great, print (gravure), the Kiev Pechersk Paterik, Politikolepnaya apotheosis


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Author Biography

Leonid D. Raigorodski, Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University; Senior Researcher at the State Hermitage Museum; artist-restorer of the high category



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2. Описание изданий, напечатанных кириллицей, 1689 — январь 1725 / сост. Т. А. Быкова, М. М. Гуревич. М.; Л.: Изд-во АНСССР, 1958. 402 с.

3. Патерик, или Отечник печерский содержащ жития святых Преподобных и Богоносных Отец наших просиявших в Пещерах. Киев, 1702, дек. [пагинация отсутствует].

4. Предословие // Патерик, или Отечник печерский содержащ жития святых Преподобных и Богоносных Отец наших просиявших в Пещерах. Киев, 1702, дек. [пагинация отсутствует].

5. Степовик Д. В. Леонтий Тарасевич i украiнське мистецтво барокко. Киiв: Наукова думка, 1986. 236 с.

6. Туробойский И. Политиколепная апофеозис достохвальныя храбрости всероссийского Геркулеса. М., 1709, дек. 177 с.

7. Алексеева М. А. Гравюра петровского времени. Л.: Искусство, 1990. 206 с.

8. Кобленц И. Н. Андрей Иванович Богданов. 1692–1766. М.: Изд-во АНСССР, 1958. 214 с.


1. Tserkov' v istorii Rossii (IX v. — 1917 g.). Kriticheskie ocherki. Ed. by N. A. Smirnov. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1967. 336 p. (In Russian)

2. Opisanie izdanii, napechatannykh kirillitsei, 1689 — ianvar' 1725. Comp. by T. A. Bykova, M. M. Gurevich. Moscow; Leningrad: AN SSSR Publ., 1958. 402 p. (In Russian)

3. Paterik, ili Otechnik pecherskii soderzhashch zhitiia sviatykh Prepodobnykh i Bogonosnykh Otets nashikh prosiiavshikh v Peshcherakh. Kiev, 1702, dek. [paginatsiia otsutstvuet]. (In Russian)

4. Predoslovie. Paterik, ili Otechnik pecherskii soderzhashch zhitiia sviatykh Prepodobnykh i Bogonosnykh Otets nashikh prosiiavshikh v Peshcherakh. Kiev, 1702, dek. [paginatsiia otsutstvuet]. (In Russian)

5. Stepovik D. V. Leontii Tarasevich i ukrains'ke mistetstvo barokko. Kiiv, Naukova dumka, 1986. 236 s. (In Ukrainian)

6. Turoboiskii I. Politikolepnaia apofeozis dostokhval'nyia khrabrosti vserossiiskogo Gerkulesa. Moscow, 1709, dek. 177 p. (In Russian)

7. Alekseeva M. A. Graviura petrovskogo vremeni. Leningrad, Iskusstvo Publ., 1990. 206 p. (In Russian)

8. Koblents I. N. Andrei Ivanovich Bogdanov. 1692–1766. Moscow: AN SSSR Publ., 1958. 214 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Raigorodski, L. D. . (2012). Triumphal prints (gravures) dating back to the beginning of Peter the Great’s reforms. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 100–108. Retrieved from



Visual arts