Stylistics of harmonic scale in the ballet score “Shurale” by F. Jarullin (to the 100th anniversary of the composer)


  • Larisa V. Brazhnik The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music


The article focuses on the musical language of the ballet score “Shurale” written by the classic Tatar composer Farid Jarullin (1913–1943). The composer preserves Tatar national melodic traits characterized by the anhemitonic scale while perfectly combining it with the whole harmonic process of the work.


Tatar music, ballet, anhemitonic, pentatonic chords


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Author Biography

Larisa V. Brazhnik, The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Theory of Music and Composition



1. Яруллин Ф. З. Шурале: балет в 3-х д. с прил. отд. номеров / ред., обработ., инструм. и предисл. В. Власова и В. Фере; либретто А. Файзи и Л. Якобсона по одноименной поэме Г. Тукая. М.: Музыка, 1971. 263 с.

2. Яруллин Ф. З. Шурале: балет в 3 д. / либр. А. Файзи и Л. Якобсона; редкол. М. Н. Нигмедзянов и др.; клавир восстановлен и подгот. к печати Л. Батыркаевой. Казань: Татар. кн. изд-во, 1987. 255 с.


1. Iarullin F. Z. Shurale: balet v 3-kh d. s pril. otd. nomerov. Ed. by V. Vlasova and V. Fere; libretto A. Faizi and L. Iakobsona po odnoimennoi poeme G. Tukaia. Moscow, Muzyka Publ., 1971. 263 p.

2. Iarullin F. Z. Shurale: balet v 3 d. Ed. by M. N. Nigmedzianov et al..; klavir vosstanovlen i podgot. k pechati L. Batyrkaevoi; libr. A. Faizi and L. Iakobsona. Kazan', Tatar. kn. Publ., 1987. 255 p.



How to Cite

Brazhnik, L. V. . (2012). Stylistics of harmonic scale in the ballet score “Shurale” by F. Jarullin (to the 100th anniversary of the composer). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 193–199. Retrieved from


