The crisis of stage action and director’s technique of Lev Dodin


  • Vladimir P. Funtusov Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts


The term “action” — is the main term of stage methodology. Having deeply influenced theatrical practices of the 20th century, the “action” approach still remains the main tool in actor and director’s profession. At the same time, the concept of “action” presents a methodological problem. Moreover it proves to stimulate acute interest, as this term seems to be the most controversial and provokes various attitudes, assessments and approaches. In general it is clear that the methodology of stage action is faced with crisis. The most balanced, serious and much promising dialogue on the issue of “action” is offered us today by the practices of Lev Dodin. This article is devoted to assess his contribution to overcome “crisis of actions”. The article is based on the books, published in the recent time by Lev Dodin, as well as on the recordings of the rehearsals by Lev Dodin, which since 1997 the author of the article has been regularly visiting at Saint-Petersburg State Academic Maly Drama Theatre — Theatre of Europe.


alive theatre, stage methodology, scenic асtion, crisis of actions, director, direction, director’s methodology, actor’s methodology, the method of action’s analysis, etude method, sketch, sample, role, role-lining-analogy


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Author Biography

Vladimir P. Funtusov, Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts

PhD, associate professor of the Department of directing and actor’s skill of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts; artistic director of the Saint Petersburg Theatre “Pod samoi kryshei” (“Under the Roof”)



1. Кацман А. И. Основы режиссуры: записи лекций. Тетрадь № 2. Запись от 10 декабря 1978 г. // Архив автора.

2. Чехов М. А. О системе Станиславского // Горн. М.: Пролеткульт, 1919. № 2–3. С. 72–81.

3. Чехов М. А. Работа актера над собой (по системе Станиславского) // Горн. М.: Пролеткульт, 1919. № 4. С. 48–54.

4. Эфрос А. В. Продолжение театрального романа. М.: Парнас, 1993. 431 c.

5. Фильштинский В. М. Открытая педагогика. СПб.: Балтийские сезоны, 2006. 367 c.

6. Додин Л. А. Путешествие без конца: диалоги с миром. СПб.: Балтийские сезоны, 2009. 496 c.


1. Katsman A. I. Osnovy rezhissury: zapisi lektsii. Tetrad' № 2. Zapis' ot 10 dekabria 1978 g. Author's archive. (In Russian)

2. Chekhov M. A. O sisteme Stanislavskogo. Gorn, 1919, no. 2–3, pp. 72–81. (In Russian)

3. Chekhov M. A. Rabota aktera nad soboi (po sisteme Stanislavskogo). Gorn , 1919, no. 4, pp. 48–54. (In Russian)

4. Efros A. V. Prodolzhenie teatral'nogo romana. Moscow, Parnas Publ., 1993. 431 p. (In Russian)

5. Fil'shtinskii V. M. Otkrytaia pedagogika. St. Petersburg, Baltiiskie sezony Publ., 2006. 367 p. (In Russian)

6. Dodin L. A. Puteshestvie bez kontsa: dialogi s mirom. St. Petersburg, Baltiiskie sezony, 2009. 496 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Funtusov, V. P. . (2012). The crisis of stage action and director’s technique of Lev Dodin. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(3), 70–77. Retrieved from


