From the History of the Formation of the European Doctrine of Protection and Restoration of Monuments at the End of the 18th — 19th Century (for Example, Marienburg Castle)




The article examines new facts about the beginning of the formation of the European (primarily German) doctrine of the protection of monuments, which also laid the foundations of the modern Polish theory and practice of preserving the architectural heritage and scientific restoration. The role of the aesthetics of romanticism in the formation of historicism and awareness of the importance of cultural heritage is shown. The history of the development of the theoretical, systemic and legal basis for the protection of monuments, based on a new assessment of their role in the formation of the culture of the nation, is presented. The role of the memorandum “Preservation of all monuments and antiquities of our country” (1815) by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in the preservation of German architectural monuments was noted. The authorship of the drawings of Marienburg in 1794 is proved. Evidence is given that he was Friedrich Gilly (1748–1808), i. e. Gilly-a son. It is noted, that the exhibition of these drawings at the Berlin Academy of Arts (1795) played an important role in re-evaluating the culture of the Middle Ages during the period of the “conflict” of the ideas of the Enlightenment and Romanticism at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries (“about 1800”). On the example of the history of the “restoration” of the Marienburg castle (today Malbork) the change in the methods of restoration of the 19th century is shown, the contribution of famous cultural figures and leading architects to the organization and conduct of restoration work is noted.


history of architecture, romanticism, historicism, protection of monuments, Marienburg, Teutonic order, methods of restoration


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23. Falser, Michael. Zwiszen Identität und Authentizität. Zur politischen Geschichte der Denkmalpflege in Deutschland. Berlin: Thelem, 2008.

24. Schloss Marienburg in Preussen. Das Ansichtenwerk von Friedrich Gilly und Friedrich Frick. In Lieferungen erschienen von 1799 bis 1803. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Salweski. Düsseldorf: Galtgarben, 1965.

25. Steinbrecht, Conrad. Die Wiederherstellung des Marienburger Schlosses. Berlin: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, 1896.

26. Bukal, Grzegorz. “Konserwacja zamku w Malborku jako przykład kształtowania się doktryny konserwatorskiej”. Ochrona Zabytków, nо. 3 (2008): 91–102.

27. Herrmann, Christofer. “Der Hochmeisterpalast auf der Marienburg. Rekonstruktionsversuch der Raumfunktionen”. In Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen Architektur Europas. Hrsg. von Gabriel Dette, Laura Heeg und Klaus T. Weber, 261–94. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2008.

28. Karaś, Dorota. “Tak odbudowywano po wojnie zamek w Malborku”. Accessed September 9, 2022.,35612,15598289,Tak_odbudowywano_po_wojnie_zamek_w_Malborku__ZDJECIA_.html.



How to Cite

Kazhar, N. V., Zadworny, M., & Sołkiewicz-Kos, N. (2023). From the History of the Formation of the European Doctrine of Protection and Restoration of Monuments at the End of the 18th — 19th Century (for Example, Marienburg Castle). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 13(1), 147–165.


