Classical numbering positions in scenic fencing


  • Sergey V. Mishenev Saint Petersburg State University


The article is devoted to a special field of knowledge of classical fencing — numbering of positions of the armed hand and the weapon against the struck sector. This small section represents special value because it is regarded as generally accepted language and thus can pretend to be an international language by means of which fencers of the different countries and the different directions are capable to understand each other and work with each other. In the modern world such possibility is quite a topical problem. Meanwhile, today there are no researches in Russian which would be devoted to this subject. So, the history of the numbering, its internal logic and, at last, various options of the readings, alternative names, etc., have not so far been unified and presented in a text convenient for further studying. The main concern of the article is to meet this lack.


fencing, position, protection, scenic fencing, fencing textbook, rapier, saber, sword


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Author Biography

Sergey V. Mishenev, Saint Petersburg State University

senior lecturer of the Department of acting of the Faculty of arts



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How to Cite

Mishenev, S. V. (2012). Classical numbering positions in scenic fencing. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(4), 128–139. Retrieved from


