G. A. Tovstonogov and “And Quiet Flows the Don”


  • Nina V. Bochkareva Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy


G. A. Tovstonogov, an outstanding director of the second half of the 20th century, will always stimulate a keen interest of theorists, historians, directors, teachers, and anyone who is fascinated by theater. The author was encouraged to write this article by the book “Georgy Tovstonogov rehearses “Quiet Don”, which was published in 2010 (recorded by his trainee M. E. Karnaukhova). The article analyses some features of how Tovstonogov worked on this performance, namely introducing a Chorus into the performance as one of its leading characters, completion of the text and shift of the episodes that had been implemented in the course of work. The work on performance of “Quiet Don” had not been finished by the beginning of rehearsals that, on the one hand, resulted in some difficulties, but, on the other hand, promoted collaboration between the actors. The key compositional principle was intertwound scenes of the past and present. At the Arts Council E. Kochergin, an artist, noted that the idea to introduce these flows created an epic tone. Even a brief analysis of the rehearsal period of the play “Quiet Don”, presented in this article, can help to trace an origin of the performance “Quiet Don” and to shed light on extensive materials on Tovstonogov’s creative works.


creative works by G. A. Tovstonogov, performance “And Quiet Flows The Don”, analysis of the rehearsal process


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Author Biography

Nina V. Bochkareva, Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy

senior lecturer of the Department of Popular art and Musical theater of the Faculty of Acting and Directing



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3. Пыжова О. В. Фрагменты театральной судьбы. М.: Сов. Россия, 1986. 331 с.

4. Рудницкий К. Л. Проза и сцена. М.: Знание, 1981. 112 с.

5. Смелянский А. М. Предлагаемые обстоятельства. Из жизни русского театра второй половины ХХ века. М.: Артист. Режиссер. Театр, 1999. 351 с.

6. Сокурова О. Б. Большая проза и русский театр. СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2004. 240 с.

7. Товстоногов репетирует «Тихий Дон». (Запись стажера М. Е. Карнаухова) / отв. ред. Н. В. Бочкарева; вступ. сл. Е. И. Горфункель. СПб.: Дом проектов, 2010. 166 с.

8. Попов А. Д. Спектакль и режиссер. М.: ВТО, 1961. 128 с.

9. Товстоногов Г. А. Профессиональность — залог художественности // Рождение спектакля. М.: Знание, 1975. С. 10–19.

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11. Товстоногов репетирует и учит. Литературная запись С. Лосева. СПб.: Балтийские сезоны, 2007. 608 с.

12. «Тихий Дон». Сценическая композиция Г. А. Товстоногова, Д. М. Шварц. М.: ВААП, 1977. 80 с.


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6. Sokurova O.B. Bol’shaia proza i russkii teatr (Most of the prose and the Russian Theatre). St Petersburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2004. 240 p.

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8. Popov A.D. Spektakl’ i rezhisser (The play and film director). Moscow: VTO, 1961. 128 p.

9. Tovstonogov G.A. Rozhdenie spektaklia (The birth of the play). Moscow: Znanie, 1975, pp.10–19.

10. Tovstonogov G.A. Zapiski o teatre (Notes on theater). Moscow: Iskusstvo. 1960, pp.40–43.

11. Tovstonogov repetiruet i uchit. Literaturnaia zapis’ S.Loseva (Tovstonogov rehearses and teaches. Literary record S.Loseva). St Petersburg: Baltiiskie sezony, 2007. 608 p.

12. "Tikhii Don". Stsenicheskaia kompozitsiia G.A.Tovstonogova, D.M.Shvarts (“Quiet Flows the Don.” Stage composition Towstonogow, D.M.Shvarts). Moscow: VAAP, 1977. 80 p.



How to Cite

Bochkareva, N. V. . (2013). G. A. Tovstonogov and “And Quiet Flows the Don”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 40–51. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1645


