Allusion in russian historical paintings of the second half of 19th century


  • Natalia N. Mutiya Saint Petersburg University of Humanities


The article focuses on allusions in Russian historical paintings of the second half of the 19th century. Previous researchers have partly paid their attention to this problem, but they have not so far established the methodology. The main aim of this article is to reveal new methods of bringing paintings into the historical context. The special attention is given to the way how artists solve the problem of allusion in their paintings, devoted to the image and epoch of Ivan the Terrible. The picture of I. Ye. Repin “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on Friday, November 16, 1581” is analyzed. The author comes to a conclusion that allusion is typical for painting with the subject closely connected with Russian history. In addition to this, allusion is also typical for academic artists and artists following democratic tendencies.


allusion, historical painting, style, genre, image of Ivan the Terrible


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Author Biography

Natalia N. Mutiya, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities

PhD, associate professor


Источники и литература

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How to Cite

Mutiya, N. N. (2013). Allusion in russian historical paintings of the second half of 19th century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 108–116. Retrieved from



Visual arts