Space in Giotto’s artworks


  • Leonid D. Raigorodski Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum


The article analyses the search by an Italian artist Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337) of the means to represent deep three-dimensional space on the plane (in two-dimensional space). The search has led to the discovery of rational graphic techniques which formed a so-called “arithmetization of space” method applicable
in art and science. The article argues that some of Giotto’s frescos are created in a particular way which allows to perceive the space on a painting as a part of the space a viewer stands in. This side of Giotto’s art has not yet been properly reflected in literature.


Giotto’s art, space of a painting, a viewer’s space


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Author Biography

Leonid D. Raigorodski, Saint Petersburg State University; State Hermitage Museum

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University; Senior Researcher at the State Hermitage Museum; artist-restorer of the high category



1. Апокрифы древних христиан: исследование, тексты, комментарии / редколл. А. Ф. Окулов и др. М.: Мысль, 1989. 336 с.

2. Вольф Н. Джотто ди Бондоне, 1267–1337: возрожение живописи. М.: Арт-Родник, 2007. 96 с.

3. Райгородский Л. Д. Беседы о русских иконах. СПб.: Глаголъ, 1996. 124 с.


1. Apokrify drevnikh khristian: issledovanie, teksty, kommentarii (Apocrypha of the early Christians: research, texts, comments). Redkoll. A.F.Okulov i dr. Moscow: Mysl’, 1989. 336 p.

2. Vol’f N. Dzhotto di Bondone, 1267–1337: vozrozhdenie zhivopisi (Giotto di Bondone, 1267-1337: the revival of painting). Moscow: Art-Rodnik, 2007. 96 p.

3. Raigorodskii L.D. Besedy o russkikh ikonakh (Conversations about Russian icons). St Petersburg: Glagol”, 1996. 124 p.



How to Cite

Raigorodski, L. D. (2013). Space in Giotto’s artworks. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 117–124. Retrieved from



Visual arts