The works of architect Zaha Hadid for the UAE


  • Ekaterina A. Akimova Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture


The article attempts to reveal a source of interest among the architectures to constructions in the United Arab Emirates, on an example of well known British architect Zahi Hadid. The article primarily focuses on her works for the Emirates. The attention is paid to innovative architectural-spatial searches of Hadid connected with the author’s interpretation of natural landscapes and biological forms. The article draws a conclusion about a place and value of creative practices of the outstanding master for the countries of the Near East, with functional and esthetic features of some constructions and projects being analyzed, some assumptions of possible ways of the further development of modern architecture in the Arabian East being made.


architecture of the XXI century, Zaha Hadid, a modern building, the United Arab Emirates


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Author Biography

Ekaterina A. Akimova, Saint Petersburg Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

graduate student of the Department of history and theory of architecture



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1. Damlūji S.S. The architecture of the United Arab Emirates. Reading: Garnet, 2006. 325 p.

2. Jodidio Ph. Architecture in the Emirates. Hong Kong; London: Taschen, 2007, pp.192.

3. Bellini O.E., Daglio L. New Frontiers in Architecture: the United Arab Emirates between vision and reality. Vercelli: White Star Publishers. 2008, pp.302.

4. Klein C. Superlative Emirates: the New Dimension of Urban Architecture: the new Dimension of Urban Design. Cologne: DAAB Media, 2011, pp.240.

5. Riabushin A.V. Zakha Khadid. Vgliadyvaias’ v bezdnu (Zaha Hadid. Staring into the abyss). Moscow: Arkhitektura-S, 2007. 336 p.

6. Giovannini J., Rizzoli S. Maxxi: Zaha Hadid Architects. New York: Rizzoli, 2010. 160 p.

7. Gannon T. BMW Central Bilding. Princeton: Architectural Press, 2006. 160 p.

8. Zaxa Hadid. Special Issue. Global Architecture. 2007. Vol. 99. 204 p.

9. Zaha Hadid: testing the Boundaries. Eds A. and A.Papadakis. London: Papadakis Publisher, 2005. 232 p.

10. Betsky A. Zaha Hadid. The Complete Buildings and Projects. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1998. 176 p.

11. Giusti G.F. Zaha Hadid Complete works. [Eds P.Schumacher, G.Fontana-Giusti. 4 vols. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 2004. Vol.1. 214 p.; Vol.2. 127 p.; Vol.3. 95 p.; Vol.4. 240 p.

12. Jodidio Ph. Zaha Hadid: Complete Works, 1979–2009. Köln; London: Taschen GmbH, 2009. 600 p.

13. Schumacher P. City Visionaries, Venice Biennale of Architecture, Catalog for the British Pavilion, Cornerhouse Publications, Manchester. 2000. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

14. Ikonnikov A.V. Arkhitektura XX veka. Utopii i real’nost’ (Twentieth-century architecture. Utopia and Reality): v 2 t. T.2. Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2002. 672 p.

15. Schumacher P. IDEA — International Graphic Art. 2002. N 293. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

16. Schumacher P. Latent Utopias — Experiments within Contemporary Architecture. Wien: Springer Verlag, 2002. 302 p.

17. Schumacher P. Digital Hadid: Landscapes in Motion. London: Birkhauser, 2004. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

18. Schumacher P. The Meaning of MAXXI — Concepts, Ambitions, Achievements. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

19. Schumacher P., Xadid Z. Total Fluidity: Studio Zaha Hadid Projects 2000–2010. Wien; New York: Springer, 2011. 255 p.

20. Noever P. MAK. Hatje Cantz. 2003, pp.12–13. (accessed: 24.12.2012).

21. Schumacher P. Digital Cities (AD Architectural Design). 2009. Vol. 79, N 4. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

22. Reinisch L. Source Artichoke. 2011. Issue 36. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

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25. Abu Dhabi Performing Arts Centre. URL: (accessed: 21.06.2012).

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27. Edifici torre espiral. URL: (accessed: 02.08.2012).

28. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center. URL: (accessed: 14.07.2012).

29. Opus Office Tower. URL: (accessed: 02.07.2012).

30. Dzhenks Ch. Proekt international. 2003. N 5, pp.98–112. URL: (accessed: 28.12.2012).

31. Signature Towers. URL: (accessed: 02.08.2012).

32. Mandel’brot B. Fraktal’naia geometriia prirody (Fractal Geometry of Nature). Moscow: In-t komp’iuternykh issled., 2002. 856 p.

33. Dubai Financial Market. URL: (accessed: 03.08.2012).

34. Schumacher P. Elegance, AD (Architectural Design). 2007. January/February. URL: (accessed: 24.12.2012).

35. Dubai Opera House. URL: 14.09.2012).

36. Tschumi B. Architectural Design. 1977. Vol.47, No 3, pp.214–218.



How to Cite

Akimova, E. A. . (2013). The works of architect Zaha Hadid for the UAE. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(1), 151–167. Retrieved from


