Materials for the attribution of items included in Andrei Shtakenshnejder’s plan for the furniture of the halls of the New Hermitage




In archival documents previously unknown draughts related to Andrew Shtakenshnejdera’s furniture designs have been found. The furniture was designed for the interiors of the Old Hermitage. For a number of reasons, which are discussed in the article, this furniture was installed in the halls of the New Hermitage. In manufacturing the ornamentation of this furniture relief elements made of zinc were applied. This is the first known case of the use of this material for decorative ornamental details. The article also focuses on the emergence and spread of parts made of zinc and its alloys.


project, interior, furniture, Shtakenshneyder, Decorative items made of zinc, decoration French varnish


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Author Biography

Vladimir S. Torbik, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, Director of the Department of Restoration of the Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Torbik, V. S. . (2017). Materials for the attribution of items included in Andrei Shtakenshnejder’s plan for the furniture of the halls of the New Hermitage. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 7(2), 273–286.




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