Old Walls in the Teatralnaya Square





It is noted that the role of the Teatralnaya Square in the urban development of St. Petersburg is still undervalued. The process of its development is shown with the use of maps and fine arts. The end of the 18 — the beginning of the 19 century is marked as the culmination period, when it became a regular area of the classical epoch — the first in St. Petersburg. Here is underlined the method of the ensemble forming — without prior planning, on the basis of strict regulation of building. The special features of the spatial organization of the area are also pointed out, as the inclusion in the composition of the waters of the Kryukov Channel and of longest arcade of the Lithuanian market. It is noted that similar motives have been used later in the project Bourse. It is emphasized the role of the stony Bolshoy Theater as to determine the typological characteristics of the Russian theater buildings of the classicism period. The turning point is called the middle of 19 century: the emergence and subsequent expansion of the theater building onto the bank of the Kryukov Channel led to a gradual loss of signs, that have determined before the image of the Square (the wide space, symmetry, integration of the water area, the visual contact with the opposite bank of the channel, the stylistic unity of the buildings). It is proposed the revaluation of the local area next to Ofitserskaya street where the main authentic walls of the buildings of the end 18 — beginning of 19 century are preserved. Here is noted the possibility to use the same approach to determine the fate of buildings in the historic center of St. Petersburg.


St. Petersburg, the process of urban development, classicism architecture, Teatralnaya Square, revaluation


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Author Biographies

Leonid P. Lavrov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Dr. Habil., professor, honored architect of the Russian Federation, corresponding member at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, corresponding member at the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung

Fedor V. Perov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

PhD, director of the Department of Architectural Engineering



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How to Cite

Lavrov, L. P. ., & Perov, F. V. . (2016). Old Walls in the Teatralnaya Square. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(2), 60–75. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu15.2016.205




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