Ropsha Palace interiors decoration. Archival research of the first half of the nineteenth century



The article is dedicated to the artistic appearance and evolution of Ropsha Palace interiors. The palace is the part of a large St.-Petersburg suburban manor complex of the second half of the 18th–19th century. This manor, through most of its history, belonged to the imperial family. Attention is given to the interior decoration of the first half of the 19th century, when image of architecture and interiors was finally formed. The authors pay attention to the detailed study of alterations and repairs. This shows successive changes of fashion tastes, which are characteristic for many of the missing similar manors of this time. An analysis of previously unpublished rare bibliographical sources and archival documents of departments of imperial palaces management reveals the way of creation and evolution of each element of the interior: ceilings, walls, floors, furnishing. The article provides materials and methods of draping windows. Also it describes the characteristic of paintings and the technique of their hanging in the rooms. The paper highlights the need for studies of Manor interiors. This significant part of Russian culture was nearly destroyed after the revolution and subsequent years. Today, it requires careful and professional reconstruction.


Ropsha, interior, painting, wall, wallpaper, flooring, paintings


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Author Biographies

Vladimir S. Torbik

PhD, Director of the Department of Restoration of the Faculty of Arts

Elizaveta A. Chalikova, Saint Petersburg State University

senior lecturer of the Department of Restoration of the Faculty of Arts

Olga F. Shchemeleva

Master of restoration



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How to Cite

Torbik, V. S. ., Chalikova, E. A., & Shchemeleva, O. F. . (2016). Ropsha Palace interiors decoration. Archival research of the first half of the nineteenth century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(1), 123–142. Retrieved from




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