The dramatic effects in the image structure of Russian historical painting of the 19th century


  • Natalia N. Mutiya Saint Petersburg University of Humanities


The article describes the dramatic effects as a means of artistic and imaginative expressiveness of the Russian art of the second half of the 19th century. It is noted that the dramatic effects were inherent not only in drama, but also in literature, music, sculpture and painting of the time. The following characteristics of dramatic effects in Russian historical painting are analyzed in detail: the conflict of the story; the psychology of the main characters; the impact of dramatic effects on birth of new artistic techniques, languages, types. Various forms of conflict reflected in the religious and historical subjects of paintings were analyzed. It is noted that the demonstration of the psychological state of the characters was more and more attracting the attention of artists. It is specified that the artists show on their paintings a variety of types of heroes: the social, ethnic, historical, psychological. It is emphasized that the artists use art techniques of color, light and spatial contrast in order to enhance the dramatic effects. These traits are illustrated by paintings of academic artists and the Itinerants: Henryk Siemiradzki, Konstantin Makovsky, Ilya Repin, Nikolai Ge, Ivan Kramskoi, Victor Vasnetsov, Vasily Surikov. Special attention is paid to the work of the Democratic line painters. It is noted that bringing dramatic effects in their works, describing historical events of the past, was the specific characteristic of this school of Russian art of the second half of the 19th century. While the salon-academic school uses theatricality instead of dramatic effects.


academicism, democratic line, dramatic effects, historical painting, psychologism, salon- academic art


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Author Biography

Natalia N. Mutiya, Saint Petersburg University of Humanities

PhD, associate professor, member of Union of Arts of Russia, member of AIS (Art Critics and Art Historians Association)



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How to Cite

Mutiya, N. N. . (2015). The dramatic effects in the image structure of Russian historical painting of the 19th century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(2), 100–109. Retrieved from



Visual arts