. New persons in restoration. Cabinetmaker Peter Isakov



The article is related to the restoration works of master Peter Isakov. He carried out a lot of work on the restoration of artistic furniture from imperial palaces and residences, of the Winter Palace, Own Dacha, former Golovin’s Dacha, former French Embassy building in the 1830–1840’s. The work was done in a wide range from the recovery of structures to the renewing of finishing layer. This article describes the recipes for the restoration materials (oil, colored lacquers et al.). For the restoration of structural elements Peter Isakov used details of old furniture, which was bought in stores of the Hof-Quartermaster’s office. The article provides a large number of previously unpublished archival documents. We should highlight the documents which describe the production of furniture from the wood of trees which had been fallen down in Summer Garden by the storm in 1841. Items of furniture decoration constantly demand restoration interventions. But the use of furniture in time was not enough investigated. The subject is relevant at the momen t because of ongoing large-scale restoration of historical furniture.


Isakov, restoration, furniture, polish, varnish, lacquer, oil


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Author Biography

Vladimir S. Torbik, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

PhD, Director of the Department of Restoration of the Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Torbik, V. S. . (2015). . New persons in restoration. Cabinetmaker Peter Isakov. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 176–183. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2322




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