Saint-Petersburg: the destiny of a pedestrian in a regular city



Saint Petersburg was developed according to the principals of the town-planning culture of the modern era and constructed according to meticulously worked-out plans. Many famous Russian and foreign architects took part in its construction. The quickly developed metropolis is considered to be the classic example of regular town-planning. It drastically differs from the traditional European settlements, so called masterpieces of the “architecture without architect” spontaneously developed during the past centuries. How has the architectural environment of the regular city of Saint Petersburg responded and how does it respond nowadays to the requests of the ordinary citizen, the man of the crowd, the pedestrian? The discussion of this question is given great importance in the town-planning of the new urbanism, usually connected with the name of Jane Jacobs. The additional interest is raised up by the dispersion structure of the city development, formed on the islands in the mouth of Neva river. The modern phase of the multimillion city evolution brings actual the key position of the new urbanism connected with the formation of the city areas’ attraction centers helped by the “pedestrian” town models. 


town-planning development of Saint Petersburg, the regular city, traditional (“spontaneous”, “pedestrian”) city, living environment, “the new urbanism”, “city areas’ attractive centers”


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Author Biography

Leonid P. Lavrov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Dr. Habil., professor, honored architect of the Russian Federation, corresponding member at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, corresponding member at the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung



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How to Cite

Lavrov, L. P. . (2015). Saint-Petersburg: the destiny of a pedestrian in a regular city. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 184–203. Retrieved from


