Unnoticed characters in Bruegel’s paintings


  • Leonid D. Raigorodski Saint Petersburg State University


A number of Bruegel’s paintings have a very deep, but often unobvious meaning. Some of his characters and details that remain unnoticed at a quick look may ask a viewer to reconsider the first impression and sometimes even change it radically with a completely different interpretation of its content. Details in Bruegel’s paintings are very delicate and define the way of expressing the artist’s attitude toward his painting, the meaning imbeded in the depicted scene, something that might be not understood at superficial acquaintance with a piece. Bruegel also showed that the sublime may reside in something physically small and unobservable, in something that might seem ordinary at first glance. The article suggests an analysis of the details of the following paintings by Bruegel: “Children’s Games”, “The Procession to Calvary”, “The Conversion of St. Paul”, “Haymaking”, “The Numbering at Bethlehem”.


Peter Bruegel, Paintings by Bruegel, “Children’s Games”, “The Procession to Calvary”, “The Conversion of St. Paul”, “Haymaking”, “The Numbering at Bethlehem”


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Author Biography

Leonid D. Raigorodski, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, professor, artist-restorer of the high category



1. Львов С. Л. Питер Брейгель Старший. М.: Искусство, 1971. 203 с.

2. Селлеши Ева. Брейгель. Будапешт: Корвина, 1964. 38 с.

3. Алпатов М. Питер Брейгель Мужицкий. М.: ОГИЗ, 1933. 40 с.

4. Климов Р. Питер Брейгель Старший. М.: Искусство, 1954. 51 с.

5. Райгородский Л. Д. Незрячие Питера Брейгеля. СПб: Изд-во СПбГМТУ, 1993. 38 с.


1. L'vov S. L. Piter Breigel' Starshii. M.: Iskusstvo, 1971. 203 p.

2. Selleshi Eva. Breigel'. Budapesht: Korvina, 1964. 38 p.

3. Alpatov M. Piter Breigel' Muzhitskii. M.: OGIZ, 1933. 40 p.

4. Klimov R. Piter Breigel' Starshii. M.: Iskusstvo, 1954. 51 p.

5. Raigorodskii L. D. Nezriachie Pitera Breigelia. SPb: Izd-vo SPbGMTU, 1993. 38 p.



How to Cite

Raigorodski, L. D. . (2013). Unnoticed characters in Bruegel’s paintings. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 161–171. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2355



Visual arts