Introducing the principles of preserving the architectural-urban development heritage of Saint-Petersburg on the base of regulations of its three-century town planning development


  • Sergey V. Sementsov Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The article is devoted to parallel and interrelated consideration of town-planning regularities of development of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg agglomeration, formation of its major spatial and composition features and development of the system of cultural heritage protection. The most important complex features of historical formation of Saint-Petersburg and its residential suburb region are shown. The main spatial characteristics of the city on the river Neva are revealed: town-planning and composition design of Saint-Petersburg system on the basis of the principles of creating “ideal agglomeration”; unity of man-made, natural and archaeological landscapes; formation of a unique historical town-planning genetic code of the capital city and its agglomeration. The article clearly identifies stages of development of protection system of St. Petersburg cultural heritage and problems of the present stage of identification and preservation of the historical Saint-Petersburg as an Object of the World Heritage.


Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg agglomeration, “ideal agglomeration”, historical town-planning genetic code of Saint-Petersburg, town-planning and composition construction, regulations, archaeological, historical and natural landscapes, the World Heritage Object


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Author Biography

Sergey V. Sementsov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Dr. Habil., Professor of the Department of Restoration and Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage of the Faculty of Architecture, councillor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences



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How to Cite

Sementsov, S. V. . (2013). Introducing the principles of preserving the architectural-urban development heritage of Saint-Petersburg on the base of regulations of its three-century town planning development. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 190–211. Retrieved from




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