Patterned double fabrics of Penza province


  • Natalia G. Koltysheva Saint Petersburg State University
  • Valery A. Mariev Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg


This article presents the results of an analysis of samples of patterned fabrics from Penza province. The following results have been obtained: the investigation has demonstrated for the first time that (1) the investigated samples are double fabrics; (2) the decorative patterns on the folk fabrics were created by employing double fabrics; (3) the samples are structurally identical with double fabric from Ryazan province, which is described in a previous publication by the same authors (N. G. Koltysheva and V. A. Mariev “On restoration of figured double weaving technique: ancient forms of Russian patterned weaving technique”, Vestnik of St. Petersburg University, 15:3 (2012), pp. 168–179). The article proposes a scheme (“scheme for constructing patterns”) for the explanation of the characteristic appearance of the ornaments in the fabric samples considered in the article. In addition, it describes the characteristic features that allow to identify the double patterned fabrics in traditional dress from Penza province. The article argues that the patterned double fabric from Penza province should be considered as a special category of Russian folk patterned fabrics which can be of interest for the creation of the new objects of decorative art. The article is of interest to the students specializing in arts and crafts and other artistic disciplines, as well as to art historians and a wide range of specialists in folk fabrics.


Patterned double fabrics, traditional dress from Penza province


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Author Biographies

Natalia G. Koltysheva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of fine arts of the Faculty of arts

Valery A. Mariev, Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg

scientific researcher



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How to Cite

Koltysheva, N. G. ., & Mariev, V. A. . (2013). Patterned double fabrics of Penza province. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 223–231. Retrieved from



Decorative and applied arts