St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics No.190 — the mode of pre-academic design training (devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the first graduation)


  • Alexander B. Simuni Saint Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics N 190


The article is, in fact, the first of its kind to give a thorough description of the educational institution which has existed for half a century. The St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics No.190 is in the focus of the author’s attention. This institution is, unfortunately, less known than the Art Lyceum named after B. V. Ioganson, although the role of the two is in many ways identical. Both schools are intended to prepare the students for entering the two main artistic higher schools of St. Petersburg. Their names are the St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Design named after A. L. Stieglitz and the St. Petersburg State Higher School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. I. Repin, correspondingly. The difference between the two lies in the fact that, administratively, the Gymnasium No.190 is not incorporated into the structure of its patron — the celebrated higher school. However, these circumstances, as the author sees it, in no way diminish the role of the Gymnasium No.190 in the development of both professional artistic and cultural spheres of our society. The author, a well-known artist, art critic and a teacher from St. Petersburg, considers the problem, as he puts it,” from within”. Being a school-leaver of the Gymnasium No.190, he has been teaching at that school for 40 years. It is a very personal, vividly written, and also a trustworthy story giving an account of the history, educational system, the results and prospects of the Gymnasium, that is really “the cradle of national artistic design.” The article is enriched with some personal author’s reflections which facilitate the text perception. Some deliberate reductions in the matters of personification and statistics can be justified due to the limit of space. The text is characterized by the author as ”Some Studies to the Portrait”, and, thereby, presupposes its continuation.


school-leavers, the Gymnasium No.190, artistic design, the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design named after A. L. Stieglitz, educational institution


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Author Biography

Alexander B. Simuni, Saint Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics N 190

member of the Artists Union of Russia, member of the Designer’s Union of Russia, member of the art critics International Assosiation, the honored Art’s worker of the Russian Federation



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How to Cite

Simuni, A. B. . (2013). St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Arts and Aesthetics No.190 — the mode of pre-academic design training (devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the first graduation). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(2), 255–265. Retrieved from


