The art manifestos in the 1960th years: The fluxus program and its author


  • Leonid A. Menshikov The Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory


The fluxus manifestos make an important part of its art heritage. Their author — George Maciunas — was one of the founders and leading participants in this sphere. He stated the general principles of the created by him anti-art in manifestos. Ideas of dadaism, Cage, Duchamp became a basis of fluxus. Maciunas interprets their concepts in the texts of manifestos. He finds an idea about destruction of borders between art and life, between artist and viewer, between history and daily occurrence. He fastens these contrasts with simple humour. The author of article considers unexplored questions of fluxus history. Are there the Machunas’s manifestos at the same time the manifestos of fluxus as a whole? Is the idea of fluxus developed from the first manifesto to the last manifesto? How the vanguard and postmodern features are connecting in fluxus? Some conclusions about Maciunas’s role as an organizer and impresario of the movement and about changes in fluxus after Maciunas are drawn in the end of the article. The Maciunas’s main manifestos, which are not translated into Russian, are entered into scientific discourse, and their aesthetic interpretation is given in the article.


fluxus, antiart, nonart, neovanguard, postmodernity, action, Maciunas, Cage, total art, neodada, manifesto


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Author Biography

Leonid A. Menshikov, The Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory

PhD, Associate Professor



1. Milman E. Fluxus History and Trans-History: Competing Strategies for Empowerment // The fluxus reader / Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester: Academy editions, 1998. Р. 155–165.

2. Cage J. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1961. 276 р.

3. Эммерик П. Джон Кейдж и «креолизация» сериализма // Музыкальная академия. 1997. № 2. С. 201–205.

4. Андреева Е. Ю. Постмодернизм. Искусство второй половины ХХ — начала ХХI века. СПб.: Азбука-классика, 2007. 487 с.

5. Higgins D. Fluxus: Theory and Reception // The fluxus reader / Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester: Academy editions, 1998. Р. 217–236.

6. Art since 1900. Modernism. Antimodernism. Postmodernism / H. Foster, R. Krauss, Y. Bois and others. L.: Thames and Hudson, 2004. 704 p.

7. Sell M. Avant-garde performanc/e and the limits of criticism: Approaching the Living theatre, happening / fluxus and the black arts movement. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan press, 2005. 327 p.

8. Doris D. T. Zen Vaudeville: A Medi(t)ation in the Margins of Fluxus // The fluxus reader / Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester: Academy editions, 1998. Р. 91–135.

9. Higgins H. Fluxus Fortuna // The fluxus reader / Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester: Academy editions, 1998. Р. 31–60.


1. Milman E. Fluxus History and Trans-History: Competing Strategies for Empowerment. The fluxus reader. Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester, Academy editions, 1998, pp. 155–165.

2. Cage J. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 1961, 276 p.

3. Emmerik P. Dzhon Keidzh i "kreolizatsiia" serializma. Muzykal'naia akademiia, 1997, no. 2, pp. 201–205. (In Russian)

4. Andreeva E. Iu. Postmodernizm. Iskusstvo vtoroi poloviny XX — nachala XXI veka. St. Petersburg, Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2007. 487 p. (In Russian)

5. Higgins D. Fluxus: Theory and Reception. The fluxus reader. Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester, Academy editions, 1998, pp. 217–236.

6. Art since 1900. Modernism. Antimodernism. Postmodernism Authors H. Foster, R. Krauss, Y. Bois and others. Leningrad, Thames and Hudson Publ., 2004. 704 p.

7. Sell M. Avant-garde performance and the limits of criticism: Approaching the Living theatre, happening / fluxus and the black arts movement. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan press, 2005. 327 p.

8. Doris D. T. Zen Vaudeville: A Medi(t)ation in the Margins of Fluxus. The fluxus reader. Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester, Academy editions, 1998, pp. 91–135.

9. Higgins H. Fluxus Fortuna. The fluxus reader. Edited by K. Friedman. Chichester, Academy editions, 1998, pp. 31–60.



How to Cite

Menshikov, L. A. . (2019). The art manifestos in the 1960th years: The fluxus program and its author. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(1), 107–116. Retrieved from



Visual arts