The experience of maintaining of the historical center in Munich



Munich is one the European cities, applying a lot efforts for preservation of the appearance of its historical center. The actual look of its streets and squares was greatly formed during the afterwar reconstruction. The budget limits of those times could not permit to reconstruct completely the previously existed buildings in their original form. So, the main intent was the keeping of the space measures of the destroyed buildings in their historical limits. The restoration of the main monuments was lasting for a long time. The new approach was used during the reconstruction of the Old Pinacoteca building: the parts of walls suffered during the bombardment were showed on its renewed facades .The new construction in the city centre denies the historical stylization. The moderation of the architectural forms is often incited running up to minimalism. The town-planning activity is regulated in order not to damage the historical city centre. The modern buildings of the Bavarian capital like the Olympic complex, BMM-Welt, Allianz-arena were constructed out of the historical centre, in the former city suburbs. After the skyscrapers appearance in the peripheral territories and the citizens’ protests, it was decided to limit the height of buildings in Munich at 100m level, as that of Marienkirche bell tower, the ancient city symbol.


historical heritage, city center, afterwar reconstruction, reconstruction


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Author Biography

Leonid P. Lavrov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Dr. Habil., professor, honored architect of the Russian Federation, corresponding member at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, corresponding member at the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung



1. Allemagne du Sud et Autriche. Manuel du Voyageur par K. Baedeker. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker editeur, 1902. 432 S.

2. Geist J. F., Kuervers K. Das Berliner Mietshaus. Bd. 3 1945–1989. Muenchen, Prestel-Verlag, 1989. 2 37 S.

3. Lavrov L. Staedte in Europa. Architekturzeichnungen von Leonid Lavrov. Berlin, DOM publishers, 2011. 239 S.

4. Meitingen K. Das neue Muenchen.Vorschlaege zum Wiederaufbau. Muenchen, 1946.

5. Nerdinger W. Architekturfuehrer Muenchen, Ditrich Reimer Verlag Berlin 2002. 226 S.

6. Pehnt W. Deutsche Architektur seit 1900. Muenchen, DVA, 2006. 592 S.



How to Cite

Lavrov, L. P. (2014). The experience of maintaining of the historical center in Munich. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(1), 239–252. Retrieved from


