Patterned double fabrics of St. Petersburg district


  • Natalia G. Koltysheva Saint Petersburg State University
  • Valery A. Mariev Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg


The article presents the results of an investigation of the patterned double fabrics from the province of St. Petersburg. These fabrics were used in the traditional female dress of the Izhorians and Votians with the name “hurstukset”. The article demonstrates that the structure and ornamental patterns of these fabrics are similar to some other patterned double weave fabrics that existed on the territory of the Russian empire. The comparison of the woven decorative ornamental patterns was carried out with the help of the so called “elaboration plan” that has been suggested by the authors. This “plan” makes it possible to represent schematically the decorative pattern of the double fabric. The authors have isolated the elements that constitute the decorative pattern of the hurstukset fabric and provided “elaboration plans” for these elements. One of the co-authors has studied museum samples of the hurstukset fabric and for the first time realized a reconstruction of these samples on a loom. In addition, the article contains a patterned double carpet which uses the motives of the hurstukset fabric that has been created at the Faculty of Arts of St. Petersburg State University under the supervision of one of the co-authors. The article is of interest for the textile specialists in design and decorative and applied arts.


patterned double weave fabrics, hurstukset, Votians, Izhorians


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Author Biographies

Natalia G. Koltysheva, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of fine arts of the Faculty of arts

Valery A. Mariev, Russian Museum of Ethnography at Saint-Petersburg

Scientific Researcher



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How to Cite

Koltysheva, N. G., & Mariev, V. A. . (2014). Patterned double fabrics of St. Petersburg district. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 4(2), 150–163. Retrieved from



Decorative and applied arts